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"Ach du meine zeit! Say, somepody sthop dot! I vos purn mineselluf ub alretty!" "Swing it around quicker!" cried Dick. "Turn it in the shape of a figure eight!" suggested Fred. "Loop the loop with it," came from Sam. Around and around went the Roman candle and then bang! out shot a ball, hitting one of the masts of the steam yacht. Then bang! went another ball, hitting the top of the cabin.

Den I say dat certainly somepody must take dish monish, and he say so too; den ve remember dat dis voman vas leaning against de safe, and he told me of it, and I remember too, and " "Explain your charges against the woman as briefly as possible, Mr. Swartz," interrupted the Mayor. "I have not time to stay here listening to a long round-about story."

Undt it habbens dot yust now I am oudt off a chob. Dot vill pe allright. I hopes me idt turns out so. Undt now, off you like, you could lock der door some. I stay me here till somepody gomes der mornin' py." "Oh! you keep the key, Hans," replied Jack. "You might want to chase out after some one; but father told me to warn you not to be tempted to go far away.

"Make quick, blease!" wailed the unhappy scout, who was growing dizzy with all this dangling and turning around. "I hears me der cloth gifing away; or else dot dree, it pe going to preak py der roots. Hurry oop! Get a moof on you, somepody. Subbose I want to make some squash pie down on der rocks?"

He and some of the others started to do so, but soon came to a place where walking became uncertain and dangerous. Song bird went into one hole up to his waist and poor Hans disappeared entirely. "Hellup! hellup!" roared the German boy. "Bull me owid, somepody!" Aleck was close at hand, and reaching down into the hole he got hold of Hans' hand.

"Yaw; they would have tumbled all over us, like a pig lot of trees falling down, but now I dinks they waits." "Why will they do that?" "If dey climbs over like as dey didn't does, don somepody git hurt, but if dey holds on till night den we'll have to climb over and falls on 'em."

"Bud I don'd like dot peesness uf sdanding oop to be shod ad mit a pullet oudt uf a bistol. Somepody mighd ged hurt, ain'd id?" "Oh, there's no danger that you'll get hurt any more than to have a bullet through your head." "Vot vos dot?" gurgled Hans. "A pullet drough mein headt. Shimminy Gristmas! Uf dot don'd vas pad enough, vot you vant? Oxcuse me!"

"Yes " the victim murmured at length. "Shall I fetch M. Tabareau? for you will have a good deal on your hands before long. M. Tabareau is the most honest man in the quarter, you see." "Yes. Mennesir Dapareau! Somepody vas speaking of him chust now " said Schmucke, completely beaten. "Very well. You can be quiet, sir, and give yourself up to grief, when you have seen your deputy."

"Yes " the victim murmured at length. "Shall I fetch M. Tabareau? for you will have a good deal on your hands before long. M. Tabareau is the most honest man in the quarter, you see." "Yes. Mennesir Dapareau! Somepody vas speaking of him chust now " said Schmucke, completely beaten. "Very well. You can be quiet, sir, and give yourself up to grief, when you have seen your deputy."

"My goot woman, you must go to somepody else, I can't give away my monish." "You have got a plenty," she persisted, "you are rich. Oh, aid me! If you believe there is a God above, who rewards the charitable, aid me, and receive the heartfelt blessings of a mother. Twenty dollars will be enough to satisfy my present wants, and that sum will make but little difference to a man of your wealth."