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And it's a fine dog. I was up at the Manor this mornin' lookin' round the grounds, just to see 'ow they'd been a-gettin' on and really it isn't so bad considerin', and I was askin' a question or two of Spruce, and he showed me the dog lyin' on the steps of the Manor, lookin' like a lion's baby snoozin' in the sun, and waitin' as wise as ye like for his mistress.

Whittaker, your ma, over there a-sewin', and old Cap'n Cy your granddad snoozin' in that big armchair Why! why, whit! it's the very image of the chair he always set in!" Captain Cy laughed aloud. 'Twas up attic, all busted and crippled, but I had it made over like new.

"So she oughter be!" retorted the old lady, "with sech a bringin' up ez she's hed. But land! childern's dretful disappointin' ter a pusson. There ain't a selfish bone in my body, but Penel's ez full uv 'em. She'll let me lie awake by the hour at a time while she's a' snoozin' on the sofy beside me.

'And why didn't you fry more pork? "He was reachin' out for the johnnycake, but I pulled it out of his way. "'Wait a minute, Mr. Williams, says I. 'While you was snoozin' last night I made out a kind of manifest of the vittles aboard this shanty. 'Cordin' to my figgerin' here's scursely enough to last one husky man a week, let along two husky ones.

You all layin' 'roun', snoozin' w'en you all des' pint'ly know dis is de mo'nin' Mistah Frank go 'way f'om hyeah." It was a cool Autumn morning, fresh and dew-washed. The sun was just rising, and a cool clear breeze was blowing across the land. The blue smoke from the "house," where the fire was already going, whirled fantastically over the roofs like a belated ghost.

I've no doubt that if it were not for this little piece of land we should have been drowned. Still, the sooner we get away the better. How have the others been getting on, Tom?" "Sleepin' ez reg'lar an' steady ez clocks. It's wuth while to see fellers snoozin' away so happy." Henry smiled.

'I hope nothing has happened. answered Johnny, feeling that he deserved all the blame that could be laid upon him. 'Not much, exceptin' while yer war snoozin' the reds have come down and got us all in a nice box. The boy was certain he was jesting until he saw the expression of his face. 'Surely, Baldy, it is not as bad as that?

The settlement was now made fair, skin for skin, as the devil put it once upon a time. I whistled away and counted the bullocks as they went strolling by me, indicating each fellow with my finger. Presently Ump came at the tail of the drove and pulled up the Bay Eagle under the tall hickories. "Well," he said, "the old shikepoke must be snoozin'." "It's pretty late in the day," said I.

With sweet peas growin' up the sides, and in back a patch for vegetables string-beans and spinach and radishes, cucumbers and 'sparagrass, turnips, carrots, cabbage, and such. And a woman inside to draw me back when I get to runnin' loco after the pockets. Say, you know all about minin'. Did you ever go snoozin' round after pockets? No? Then just steer clear.

Then two men jumped over the cockpit-rail and came into the cabin. "Bli' me, if 'ere they ain't snoozin'," said the first of the newcomers, deftly rolling 'Frisco Kid out of his blankets with one hand and reaching for the wine-bottle with the other. French Pete put his head up on the other side of the centerboard, his eyes heavy with sleep, and made them welcome.