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I am sorry, Your Majesty, but we are left with no other recourse but to go to war with them and destroy them all before they do it to us. Surely you can see that they are unreasonable and unkind and un-un well, a bunch of other words that start with 'un. We can't allow them to UN-ify us if we can help it, and we Sniffers are a proud people who will not give in without a fight!"

"I bust see your President," she sniffled uneasily. "Can you take be to himb?" "Of course," said the boy simply, taking a handful of the stinkweeds and eating it. "I can take you to his mansion, anyway. I don't know if he'll want to talk. He is preparing to fight the Sniffers for control of the fertile lands, and is very busy with that right now." "That's just the thing," said Ozma.

At the same time he gave them to understand that if any rain came of the efforts of his weather doctor it would be his, the judge's, own private and individual rain, wrung from denying nature by science, and that science paid for by the judge's own money. The scoffers laughed louder at this, the sniffers wrinkled their noses a little more.

"Your Majesty," spoke the Stinkfoot President, "I am sorry to inform you that there is a war on. We have need of something that these Sniffers are not allowing us to have. Our survival depends on their annihilation." "No," spoke Ozma. "It does not. My dear friends from the Lunechien Forest have determined the problems with your crops, and we have come to a solution."

The little group had fallen silent. "You know," said Elephant to Ozma. "We are greatly sympathetic to their predicament. However, the situation with the Stinkfoots and the Sniffers is diverting us from our real problem which is that huge, furry, ugly, filthy putrid monstrosity who calls himself a spider." "That's very true," said Ozma.

"But how else can we stop them from expanding to wherever they like?" asked the Sniffer citizen. "There has to be a fair way to settle the dispute," replied the little Queen. "And it is up to us to find it." "What if we forbade them from eating any more stinkweeds?" suggested Nibbles. "That way, they wouldn't smell so bad, and the Sniffers would have no further trouble with them.

"Dat's de best t'ing youse can do, Slimmy dey're all alike when dey gets in his class." "Youse cocaine sniffers gives me de pip!" snorted the Magpie, in disgust. He dug down into his pocket, produced a bill, and flung it across the table to Larry the Bat.

The confusion allowed Ozma to use her silver wand to cast a spell. Between the Forest Monster, Elephant, the Stinkfoots, Sniffers and the Cowardly Lion, the Land Sharks were disabled within a matter of forty-five minutes. Those who had not been deenergized by the Forest Monster or otherwise rendered harmless by one of the others had fallen to their spindly knees and were pleading for mercy.

The Sniffers and Stinkfoots agreed to help in the Lunechien Forest should their services be needed to help stop the devastation brought about by the spider-monster. President Schnozzle handed Ozma a small perfume bottle that, when opened, would release a perfume that could be smelled only by a Sniffer, and would reach the distance from the forest in only a matter of minutes.

"Not only have the Sniffers and the Stinkfoots made friends with the Droffs, but the Forest Monster has had a major-league change of heart. But can we at least find the empty shells of our families and give them a proper burial?" "That would be right," agreed the Forest Monster. "Wait a minute," said Ozma. "You mean to say that the bodies are still around? You didn't devour them entirely?"