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I asked of the shoemaker one day. "Whom do you mean? Bill?" "Yes, the little fellow you call Bill." "I took him out of pure charity. His mother died about a year and a half ago, and if I hadn't taken him in, he would have gone to the poor house as like as not." "Who was his mother?" "She was a poor woman, who sewed for the slopshops for a living but their pay won't keep soul and body together."

There were men, indeed, in blue jackets and trousers, but not of the true nautical fashion, such as dangle before slopshops; others wore tight pantaloons and coats preponderously long-tailed, cutting very queer figures at the masthead; and, in short, these fresh-water fellows had about the same analogy to the real "old salt" with his tarpaulin, pea-jacket, and sailor-cloth trousers, as a lake fish to a Newfoundland cod.

Turner's work had greatly increased, her quiet, unpretending manner having won for her many kind friends, who kept her fully employed indeed so much that Lizzie Stevens had given up her hard labour of working for the slopshops, and now helped the widow in her lighter and more remunerative toil.

Even the Castello del'Ovo down on the shore line, comparatively near at hand, loomed up but a denser mass of indigo-gray amid the all obtaining grayness. The tall multi-coloured, many-shuttered houses fronting the quays restaurants, cafés, money-changers' bureaux, ships' chandlers, and slopshops looked tawdry and degraded as a clown's painted face seen by daylight.