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Alexander III. was much influenced by his tutor, Pobiedonostsev, who for the next thirty years was the most prominent exponent of the philosophy of Slavophilism. This, which in its modern form may be traced back to 1835, was in fact nothing else than a perverted glorification of the Russian national characteristics which have been dwelt upon above.

Petersburg and to "the Petersburg period of Russian history" is one of the characteristic traits of genuine Slavophilism. In Moscow the doctrine found a more appropriate home.

There are many other contacts with Dostoïevsky intense Slavophilism, adoration of Russia; its very soil is sacred; carelessness as to the externals of their art a Chinese asymmetry is present in their architectonic; they both excel in portraying humour, broad, vulgar, uproarious, outrageous, reckless humour; and also in exposing the profundities of the Russian soul, especially the soul racked by evil and morbid thoughts.

J.R. FISHER. Finland and the Tsars, 1800-1899. 1899. 12s. 6d. The best account in English of the history of Finland's relations with Russia up to the beginning of the reactionary period. K.P. POBIEDONOSTSEV. Reflections of a Russian Statesman. 1898. 6s. For Slavophilism. P. KHOPOTKIN. Memoirs of a Revolutionist. 1907. 6s. MAURICE BARING. Russian Literature.

A certain Anton Petrov impersonated the czar, and gathered around him ten thousand Russians. The extreme reactionaries, consisting mostly of nobles who had become impoverished by the emancipation of the serfs, grasped the opportunity to point out to the bewildered czar the evil of his liberal policy. Slavophilism was rampant.

A variant of Slavophilism is Panslavism, which works for the day when all members of one great Slav race will be united in one nation, presumably under the Russian crown. Both these movements are examples of that nationalism run mad to which reference has been made in the second chapter.

Two Ancient Cities Kief Not a Good Point for Studying Old Russian National Life Great Russians and Little Russians Moscow Easter Eve in the Kremlin Curious Custom Anecdote of the Emperor Nicholas Domiciliary Visits of the Iberian Madonna The Streets of Moscow Recent Changes in the Character of the City Vulgar Conception of the Slavophils Opinion Founded on Personal Acquaintance Slavophil Sentiment a Century Ago Origin and Development of the Slavophil Doctrine Slavophilism Essentially Muscovite The Panslavist Element The Slavophils and the Emancipation.

The liberal current which had carried away his predecessors when they first mounted the throne was checked, the sluices of Slavophilism were opened, the history of Russian thinkers became again, as Herzen said, "a long list of martyrs and a register of convicts."

If we can once thoroughly convince ourselves that race, in its only intelligible, that is biological, sense, is supremely indifferent to the history of languages and cultures, that these are no more directly explainable on the score of race than on that of the laws of physics and chemistry, we shall have gained a viewpoint that allows a certain interest to such mystic slogans as Slavophilism, Anglo-Saxondom, Teutonism, and the Latin genius but that quite refuses to be taken in by any of them.