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Josiah said he believed they wuz dangerous, but the head of this company told me with his own mouth that he had traveled over fifteen States in air-ships and had never been hurt or even skairt, and I told Josiah that wuz more than he could say of our wheel-barrow that had never been out of Jonesville.

Them wuz the skairt and horrow struck ones, and them that thought it wuz a earthly woman's voice wuz so mad that they wuz by the side of themselves and carried on fearful. But when they searched the gallery for wimmen or ghosts, nothin' wuz found, for Philander's wife and I had scooted acrost lots and wuz to home a-knittin' before the men got there.

I s'pose it was not only my words and tone that skairt him, but my mean. I put on my noblest mean; and I s'pose I have got a very noble, high-headed mean at times. I got it, I think, in the first place, by overlookin' Josiah's faults.

I see he wouldn't stop, so I had to go and open the door, and there stood Serena Fogg, there stood the author of "Wedlock's Peaceful Repose." I felt like a fool. For I knew she had heard every word, I see she had by her looks. She looked skairt, and as surprised and sort o' awe-stricken as if she had seen a ghost.

"Not ring the church bells on the Sabbath day?" His look wuz skairful in the extreme, but I sez "Yes, that is what I said, we beg of you as a Christian to not ring the bells in the mornin'." "A Christian! A Christian! Advise me as a Christian to not ring the Sabbath bells!" I see the idee skairt him. He wuz fairly pale with surprise and borrow.

Oh, how dizzy-headed Selinda must have been! How skairt and how dretful her feelin's wuz! Sez I, "Dismount to once, Selinda Dagget." "No," sez she; "Bizer has placed me here, and here I will stay." "You don't know whether you will or not," sez I. "I believe you are a-fallin' off; and," sez I, "I'm 'fraid you'll git killed, Selinda; do git down!"

And it happened dretful curius, but the town hired that very team that drawed the monument there, to take the family back. It wuz a good team. And they say the children wuz skairt, and cried when they went by it cried and wept. But I believe it wuz because they wuz cold and hungry that made 'em cry. I don't believe it wuz the monument.

She kinder whispered back in a skairt way, sunthin' about "speculators and legislators and rings, and etcetery." But I answered right out loud, I hain't one to go whisperin' round, and says I, "I'll bet if Uncle Sam himself was here, and knew the feelin's I had for him, he'd hand out a few dollars of his own accord for me to get sunthin' to remember him by.

And he acted fairly skairt and horrow struck at the idee and went on eloquent about old folks at our ages, and with our professions, and our rumatiz, follerin' up gayety and show. Sez he, "The place for us evenin's is in our own room readin' our Bibles and Tracks." And I sez as I calmly wadded up my back hair and smoothed my foretop, "Well, I spoze I can go alone if you feel so."

But the Deacon had begin to get over bein' skairt, and he looked firm as anybody ever could, as he sez: "The bells never hurt anybody, I know, for here I have lived right by the side of 'em for 20 years. Do I look broke down and weak?" sez he. "No," sez I, honestly. "No more than a grannit monument, or a steel trap." "Wall," sez he, "what don't hurt me won't hurt nobody else."