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But the triviality died on her lips as the truth had died. A shrill cry broke above the dying waltz, and the Rajah and Beatrice, startled by its piercing appeal, turned from each other and confronted a catastrophe which overshadowed, and for the moment obliterated, their own threatening fate. The dancers had already retired to the sitting-out alcoves.

He laughed again softly, with a hint of mockery. "I should have one dance with Billy, and one with the omnipotent Colonel. And then I should be tired and say good night." "But I shan't be a bit tired," protested Dinah, faintly indignant. "Of course not," laughed Sir Eustace. "You will be just ripe for a little fun. There's quite a cosy sitting-out place at the end of our corridor.

Make a sitting-out engagement with the lovely widow, then bolt out here. That's my advice," urged Macauley. "Much obliged, I will. Wouldn't have come if Winifred hadn't cornered me." "She's doing her duty by Pauline, and she considers her duty isn't done till she's secured the men Pauline wants. But I say when you get a look at Ellen you'll forget the rivulets coursing down your neck.

"There I found the room considerably altered from my recollection of it, especially as it was arranged as a sitting-out room, but no one was there, nor were there any signs of its having been used, which from its rather secluded position, was natural enough.

A brief interview with a motherly old lady, whom even Albert seemed to treat with respect, and who, it appeared was Mrs. His duties were to stand in this gallery, and with the assistance of one of the maids to minister to the comfort of such of the dancers as should use it as a sitting-out place.

I had no idea of time, but perhaps it wasn't long before the General manoeuvred me from the sitting-out rooms and across the hall to join the dancers. Mrs. Baker and John were with us; Ned was not, but I knew that he would follow.

There had been a little dancing, which gave way to so much sitting-out that the volunteer music abruptly ceased as if in dudgeon, and there was nothing left but weirdness to bring young hearts together.

After that, one dance succeeded another numbers of which I had to spend with my fiancé, but, warned by my first experience, I always pretended a great thirst, or a desire to see the rooms, or an obligation to return to the Marquis, and so went to no more sitting-out places.

It was from Scylla to Charybdis, for I was led to one of the sitting-out places. So stupidly ignorant was I in the ways of balls that I did not realize that we should be practically alone, or I would have remained glued to the ballroom. However, before I knew it we were seated on a sofa behind a screen, in a subdued light. "Are you never going to give me a kiss, Ambrosine?"

Dic went to town Tuesday evening and sat before Billy Little's fire till ten o'clock, telling our worthy little friend of recent events. They both laughed over the "sitting-out" tournament. "It begins to look as if you would get her," remarked Billy, leaning forward in his chair and resting his elbows on his knees.