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Now I cannot really, I cannot have any dancing at all till Christmas-day is out," said old William emphatically. "When the clock ha' done striking twelve, dance as much as ye like." "Well, I must say there's reason in that, William," said Mrs. Penny. "If you do have a party on Christmas-night, 'tis only fair and honourable to the sky-folk to have it a sit-still party.

A sit-still party had its advantages; but an undisturbed position of ease in chairs and settles was apt to lead on the men to such an unconscionable deal of toping that they would sometimes fairly drink the house dry.

A sit-still party had its advantages; but an undisturbed position of ease in chairs and settles was apt to lead on the men to such an unconscionable deal of toping that they would sometimes fairly drink the house dry.

'Is the man you sent for a lazy, sit-still, do-nothing kind of man? she inquired of her father. 'No, he said surprised; 'quite the reverse. He is Lord Luxellian's master-mason, John Smith. 'Oh, said Elfride indifferently, and returned towards her bleak station, and waited and shivered again. It was a trifle, after all a childish thing looking out from a tower and waving a handkerchief.

Keep-at-home, sit-still, hats and hosen and all her little boast only proves Mercy to have been at heart a true daughter of Eve after all. There is an old-fashioned word that comes up again and again in the account of Mr. Brisk's courtship, a word that contains far more interest and instruction for us than might on the surface appear. When Mr.

The young woman blushed, and rose up to go away, but I desired her to sit-still; I told her she had a good work upon her hands, and I hoped God would bless her in it. We talked a little, and I did not perceive that they had any book among them, though I did not ask; but I put my hand into my pocket, and pulled out my Bible.

A sit-still party had its advantages; but an undisturbed position of ease in chairs and settles was apt to lead on the men to such an unconscionable deal of toping that they would sometimes fairly drink the house dry.