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"James S. Tuesday Ev. May 22d." "M.D. I can not close my eyes to sleep till I have return'd you ten thousand thanks for the inexpressible delight I have received from your ever Enchanting compositions and your incomparably Charming performance of them, be assured my D.H. that among all your numerous admirers no one has listened with more profound attention and no one can have Such high veneration for your most brilliant Talents as I have, indeed my D.L. no tongue can express the gratitude I feel for the infinite pleasure your Musick has given me. accept then my repeeted thanks for it and let me also assure you with heart felt affection that I Shall ever consider the happiness of your acquaintance as one of the Chief Blessings of my life, and it is the Sincer wish of my heart to preserve to cultivate and to merit it more and more.

I wish with all my heart you may conceve the sincer true and reale sentiments which Induced me to write so freely, and as the Gentilman with whom I send this to Paris is just ready to set off, I beg you'll allow me to conclude, and I hope you'll not faile to lay me at his Majesty's and Royal Emmency's feet and at same time to Believe me Sir 'Your most obedient and most humble Servt

You will have many ennemies; but fear not, for in love you will be faitful and sincer, and are fitted well fer married life." "They surely ain't meanin' me?" asked Miss Hazy, in great perturbation. "Yes, ma'am," said Mrs. Wiggs, emphatically; "it's you, plain as day. Let's go on: "Your star fortells you a great many lucky events.