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The witches have also a decoy ready for him in the desart; yet he sups with Okba's daughter, without any of the sorcerers being aware of it; and afterwards proceeds to consult the simorg, without meeting with any obstacle or molestation. The simoom kills Abdaldar, too, in spite of that ring which afterwards protects Thalaba from lightning, and violence, and magic.

About seventeen or twenty-one English miles, or nineteen miles on the average. This is the same with the Khambalu of Polo. One name signifies the palace of the Khan, the other the city of the Khan. Astl. This is the Fong-whang, or fabulous bird of the Chinese. The Simorg- Anka, is supposed among the Persians to have existed among the Preadamites, and to have assisted Solomon in his wars. Astl.

On passing from the first court into the second, the ambassadors found a larger and more magnificent pavilion than the former, on which was a raised platform, or sofa, of a triangular form, four cubits high, covered with yellow satin, and sumptuously adorned with gildings and paintings, representing the Simorg , or Phoenix, which the Kathayans call the royal bird.

The very same act which denies the right of interpretation to a mysterious Papal phoenix, renewed from generation to generation, having the antiquity and the incomprehensible omniscience of the Simorg in Southey, transferred this right of mere necessity to the individuals of the whole human race. For where else could it have been lodged?