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"Hugo an' me," he began again, very slowly and softly, "ve vent off north from here, a year an' a half it is now, after de ice she vent off de lakes. And ve trafel long vays, most far as vhere de Albany she come down in James Bay. Ve vos lookin' for silfer an' copper an' tings like dat. An' dere come one day vhen ve gets awful rough water on a lake and ve get upset.

As if tey couldn't know ta silfer from ta prass! If tey wass so stupid, her nose would pe telling tem so. Efen old Tuncan's knife 'll pe knowing petter than to scratch ta silfer or ta prass either; old Tuncan's knife would pe scratching nothing petter tan ta skin of a Cawmill."

It was his dochter Betsy, a verra fine lass, that waz come to Borvabost, and it waz the talk among many that Alister-nan-Each he waz thinkin of makin up to her, but there will be a great laugh all over the island, and she will be verra angry and say she will not have him no if his house had a door of silfer to it for she will have no one that toesna go to the Caithness fishins wi the other lads.

"'I come here at General Pillow's orders, to pick up some Mexican silfer dollars, to buy ammunition in Mexico. "'Another of old blowhard Pillow's fool schemes, said he. 'I know old Pillow. I served with him in Mexico, when he dug his ditch on the wrong side of his fortification. He's probably going to do some-thing else with the dollars than buy ammunition.

"But but I'm not his wife, either!" cried Madge, nervously. "I I don't yoost understand, den," said the good woman, placidly. "Oh! mebbe you help grub-stake him vhile he vork at de rocks for dat silfer and you come see how he gettin' along. Ve tank he do very vell." "Yes, Hugo he got some ore as is lookin' very fine, all uncofered alretty," Stefan informed her.