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Lydgate, there is no haste necessary in this matter; but I wished to apprise you beforehand of what may possibly occur." Mr. Bulstrode returned the letter to his side-pocket, and changed his attitude as if his business were closed.

The officer's brilliant smile wrinkled his good-looking features: "There was some little loot: I'm wearing my share." Recklow nodded and let his cold eyes rest on the identification papers. Then, slowly, and without a word, he passed them back over the desk. The Intelligence Officer stuffed them carelessly into his side-pocket. "I thought I'd come over instead of wiring or 'phoning.

"Thank you, my dear lady," said Rodin, taking the letter with apparent indifference, and putting it into the side-pocket of his great-coat, which he carefully buttoned over. "Are you going up to your rooms, sir?" "Yes, my good, lady." "Then I will get ready your little provisions," said Mother Arsene; "as usual, I suppose, my dear sir?" "Just as usual."

It is a vigorous and glowing description of the condition to which all the German states have been reduced by Bonaparte's arbitrary proceedings. Just listen to this one passage, and then you may judge whether the pamphlet tells the truth or not." He drew a few printed leaves from his side-pocket, and unfolded them. "You have got a copy of the dreadful pamphlet with you?" asked Anna, in dismay.

"I guess Manuel won't feel downhearted when he sees this do you think he will?" said the little fellow, as he put the satchel upon the floor and looked up at the jailer. "An' I've got some cigars, too, the Captain sent, in my pocket," said he, nodding his head; and putting his hand into a side-pocket, pulled out one and handed it to the jailer.

There came Roly-Poly, long known to all Yama a tall, thin, red-nosed, gray old man, in the uniform of a forest ranger, in high boots, with a wooden yard-stick always sticking out of his side-pocket.

But most of us are apt to settle within ourselves that the man who blocks our way is odious, and not to mind causing him a little of the disgust which his personality excites in ourselves. Will went along with a small book under his arm and a hand in each side-pocket, never reading, but chanting a little, as he made scenes of what would happen in church and coming out.

Silently, with infinite care, Olga helped him. Nick stood with the knife in his hand. "What are you going to do now?" he said. Max's brows went up. "My dear fellow, what do you suppose? I am going to attend to my patient." "Where is she?" said Nick. "Upstairs. Mrs. Briggs went to look after her. I'm going to give her a composing draught," said Max, plunging his hand into a side-pocket.

"I valued the watch greatly, because it was given me by a very good friend," said Barnabas, sighing again. "Walleyed it, hey?" exclaimed Mr. Shrig, "walleyed it, sir? v'y then, 'ere it be!" and from a capacious side-pocket he produced Natty Bell's great watch, seals and all. "Why !" exclaimed Barnabas, staring. "Also your purse, sir, not forgetting the sparkler." Mr.

"It is not interest," says he, putting his hand to his side-pocket, "but affection," placing it over his heart, "that makes me so loth to lose you ah! caro lei!" and he kissed us again and withdrew.