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After the third christening, however, he came to the conclusion that matters were serious and started playing his old game with the inevitable results: doctor, sick-leave, riding-exercise, port! But there must be an end of it, at all costs. Every time the balance-sheet showed a deficit. But when, finally, his whole nervous system went out of joint, he let nature have her own way.

General Parke reported their arrival and was then obliged to go upon sick-leave himself. General Welsh, who had distinguished himself at Antietam, reported that his division must recuperate for a few weeks before it could take the field. Each camp was, at first, a hospital; but the change of climate and diet rapidly restored the tone of the hardy soldiery.

I have had a touch of trench-fever or something, not enough to result in being sent home to hospital, and have now got a few days' sick-leave to pull round after a course of weak gruel." "That's very unusual, isn't it?" "What, Flamby?" "To get home leave after treatment at a base hospital? I mean they might as well have sent you home in the first place." Don stared at her long and seriously.

Our Major is on sick-leave, and two of our Lieutenants are related to the President's wife. She can't bear them to be exposed. None of us in the church-yard lie but we are seven." "Ha! ha, Captain! That's an elegant double entendre on Wordsworth's poem and the War Department. Only, if I may correct your addition ha! ha! our total, including myself, is eight."

"One thing more, Captain Passford," continued the flag-officer; "the ship's steward of the Mercidita has been very sick for three weeks, and has applied for a sick-leave. I shall be obliged to transfer Mr. Nawood of the Bronx to his place." "I can mention just the right person to take Mr. Nawood's place," said Christy eagerly. "You seem to have a man ready for every vacant position.

Emory being forced to go North on sick-leave, his division was commanded by McMillan from the 17th of September until the 6th of October, when Grover relieved him after turning over the Fourth division to Beckwith. Birge, with his reorganized brigade, occupied La Fourche, with headquarters at Thibodeaux.

By the merest chance I saw him coming up Broadway in a carriage, and, observing that he looked ill, jumped into a hack and followed him to his residence. You had reason for your anxiety on December 20th, for he took a severe cold from exposure that night. For a time he made light of it, but at last obtained sick-leave. He asked me to tell you "

Then Aunty Edith cried so for a while she couldn't tell us anything, but at last Aunty May took my hand and we went out on the porch, and she told us that Uncle Burt had got hurt in a little fight not a real battle, a "skirmish" with some natives, and he was to be sent home on sick-leave. Then she and Mr.

"That is all I know about this matter, except that being absent from duty on sick-leave there may be difficulty in the matter of my tunic, which is badly torn." Having finished his story Narayan Singh stood at attention like one of those wooden images they used to keep on the sidewalk outside tobacco stores.

I think he will make a splendid officer; he has had fever lately, and we rather expect he is coming home on sick-leave. Etta hopes so. 'Gladys has never spoken of her cousin to me. 'That is because you two are always talking about other things, poor Eric, for example.