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Shutliffe was still standing uncertainly in the dusk, mildly concerned as to whether he should lock up the pigs or obey the German gentleman. The three soldiers halted behind the church wall. "That was a fine start!" mocked Herbert. "Of course, you had to pick out the Village Idiot. If they are all going to take it like that, we had better pack up and go home."

The soldier addressed him in English. "What is the name of this village?" he demanded. Mr. Shuttiffe, having lived in the village upward of eighty years, recalled its name with difficulty. "Have you seen any of our people?" With another painful effort of memory Mr. Shutliffe shook his head. "Go indoors!" commanded the soldier, "And put out all lights, and remain indoors.

We have taken this village. We are Germans. You are a prisoner! Do you understand?" "Yes, sir, thank'ee, sir, kindly," stammered Mr. Shutliffe. "May I lock in the pigs first, sir?" One of the soldiers coughed explosively, and ran away, and the two others trotted after him. When they looked back, Mr.

The uniforms the men wore were unfamiliar, but in his day Mr. Shutliffe had seen many uniforms, and to him all uniforms looked alike. The tallest soldier snapped at Mr. Shutliffe fiercely in a strange tongue. "Du bist gefangen!" he announced. "Das Dorf ist besetzt. Wo sind unsere Leute?" he demanded. "You'll 'ave to excuse me, sir," said Mr. Shutliffe, "but I am a trifle 'ard of 'earing."

"A nation of wasters," muttered the German, "sleeping at their posts. They are fiddling while England falls!" Mr. Shutliffe, of Stiffkey, had led his cow in from the marsh, and was about to close the cow-barn door, when three soldiers appeared suddenly around the wall of the village church. They ran directly toward him. It was nine o'clock, but the twilight still held.