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"And whare is your honours gaun the day," said the mendicant, "wi' a' your picks and shules? Od, this will be some o' your tricks, Monkbarns: ye'll be for whirling some o' the auld monks down by yonder out o' their graves afore they hear the last call but, wi' your leave, I'se follow ye at ony rate, and see what ye mak o't."

"Aweel, it may be sae; but we canna howk fort enow we hae nae shules, for they hae taen them a' awa and it's like some o' them will be sent back to fling the earth into the hole, and mak a' things trig again.

It was simply grand to watch them, for some were old men with long, white beards, while others were serious-looking young men who are to be seen daily in the street walking to and from their homes and Shules, always deep in thought and so very serious-looking that you would imagine that they did not know how to smile.

"For twa gude reasons," answered the beggar, who quietly kept his sitting posture; "first, because, as I said before, we have naething to dig wi', for they hae taen awa the picks and shules; and, secondly, because there will be a wheen idle gowks coming to glower at the hole as lang as it is daylight, and maybe the laird may send somebody to fill it up and ony way we wad be catched.

"Aweel, it may be sae; but we canna howk fort enow we hae nae shules, for they hae taen them a' awa and it's like some o' them will be sent back to fling the earth into the hole, and mak a' things trig again.

"For twa gude reasons," answered the beggar, who quietly kept his sitting posture; "first, because, as I said before, we have naething to dig wi', for they hae taen awa the picks and shules; and, secondly, because there will be a wheen idle gowks coming to glower at the hole as lang as it is daylight, and maybe the laird may send somebody to fill it up and ony way we wad be catched.

"And whare is your honours gaun the day," said the mendicant, "wi' a' your picks and shules? Od, this will be some o' your tricks, Monkbarns: ye'll be for whirling some o' the auld monks down by yonder out o' their graves afore they hear the last call but, wi' your leave, I'se follow ye at ony rate, and see what ye mak o't."