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Captain thought you was Kitchell’s man, when he shoulda looked a little closer in a coupla other places." "But you were shotby Kitchell’s men." "I was creased by th’ shotgun rider on th’ stage we tried to stop. Boys brought me in close to town an’ dumped me on th’ roadgave us a chance to make up another tale to fool Bayliss. Me, I’ve been ridin’ with Colonel Kitchell since ’64.

"I ain't holdin' any grudge, am I? Why, Sandy here can tell you that I held one side of you up whilst he was leadin' the other side of you home! And I am sorry I stood there and seen you get married off and never lifted a finger; I'm darned sorry. I shoulda hollered misdeal, all right. I know it now." He pulled remorsefully at his wet mustache, which very much resembled a worn-out sharing brush.

"We shoulda been part of the first gang ever to land on the Moon!" Joe grimaced. His crew needed to be cured of feeling the same way he did. "I wouldn't say this outside of our gang," said Joe carefully, "but if it hadn't been for us four that ship wouldn't be on the way at all. Haney figured the trick that got us back to Earth the first time, or else we'd have been killed.

Trucks broke down. Drivers in fights. They hadda go outta business!" "What did the cops do?" asked Brink. "They listened to their wives!" snarled Fitzgerald. "They begun to find little grabbag packages in the mail an' with the milk. Fancy perfume. Tricky stockin's. Fancy underwear they shoulda been ashamed for anybody to know they had it on underneath.

But it couldn't be helped. There wasn't much you coulda tipped 'em off to, but you shoulda stalled 'em along. You should have promised 'em something when the time was right. But it's right now, now that you're matched with Hughie. You can tell 'em just how to get aboard. It's time, before some of 'em get good and sore, and begin to holler for you to meet Montague."

A'course I shoulda wised you up earlier about Dunham but I thought you were on. I thought everybody was. But you can't treat Pig-iron this way. Why why why he he's " What he had wanted to say was that Dunham, Benevolent Patron of the Street, was not accustomed to having his favors rebuffed so crudely, but he couldn't quite manage it. So he fell back upon earnest repetition.

If we had the sense we shoulda been born with, we’d ride hell-to-thunder outta here now!" "Anse"—Drew wriggled up on one elbow—"you do that. I ain’t going to pull you into anything—" "So," the Texan said, nodding, "you’ve been swallowin’ down a whim-wham or two your ownself?" "Yes, but every one of them could be only a shadow to scare a jackrabbit."

I want to see where that free gold comes from that he used to peddle. It's mine by rights. He was goin' to tell me where it was, you recollect, and he woulda if I hadn't overfed him on jam or if that damn squaw hadn't took a notion for marryin'. I let her stampede me and that's where I was wrong. I shoulda stayed." I was foolish enough to argue with him. A prospectors' bubble, he called it.

And I reckon I'll take the evening train home. Shoulda gone yesterday, by rights. I'd like to get a basket uh fish to take up with me. Great coffee, Mrs. Hart, and such cream I never did see. I sure do hate to leave so many good things and go back to a boardin' house. Look at this honey, now!" He sighed gluttonously, leaning slightly over the table while he fed.

A spearman just behind Thal said: "Dirty trick! I was with him to Walden, and he paid off good! A good man! Shoulda been a chieftain! Good man!" Thal entered the spaceboat. Gingerly. He wrinkled his nose at the faint smell of explosive still inside. Another man came in. Another. "Say!" said one of them in a conspiratorial voice. "We got our share of that loot from Walden. But he hadda share, too!