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Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin, Mr. Shoecraft, the Ambassador's secretary, sat there hour after hour, hardly speaking to one another in their tense excitement, waiting for the news that would inform them that Bernstorff's course had been run and that their country had taken its decision on the side of the Allies. Finally, at nine o'clock in the evening, the front door bell rang. Mr.

Hannah Shoecraft told another, cousin that, for her part, she never believed that Ruth had so much more "mind" than other people; and Cousin Hulda added that she always thought Ruth was fond of admiration, and that was the reason she was unwilling to wear plain clothes and attend Meeting.

Balfour, Lord Robert Cecil, and other ministers represented the cabinet. So weak was the Ambassador that it was with difficulty that his companions, the ever devoted Mr. Shoecraft, on the other, succeeded in supporting him to his chair. Mr.

Shoecraft excitedly left the room; half way downstairs he met Admiral William Reginald Hall, the head of the British Naval Intelligence, who was hurrying up to the Ambassador. Admiral Hall, as he spied Mr. Shoecraft, stopped abruptly and uttered just two words: "Thank God!"

From the letters that Shoecraft has sent me and from what the papers say, I think I couldn't have ended it more happily or at a better time. And I've got to eat more. I myself come into my thinking and planning in only two ways I'm going to have a suit like old Lord N.'s and I'm going to get all the good things to eat that there are! Meantime, my dear, how are you?

Ives, Cornwall, March 10, 1918. DEAR KITTY: A week here. No news. Shoecraft says we've missed nothing in London. What we came for we've got: your mother's quite well. She climbs these high hills quite spryly. We've had a remarkable week in this respect we haven't carried on a conversation with any human being but ourselves. I don't think any such thing has ever happened before.

Hannah Shoecraft told another, cousin that, for her part, she never believed that Ruth had so much more "mind" than other people; and Cousin Hulda added that she always thought Ruth was fond of admiration, and that was the reason she was unwilling to wear plain clothes and attend Meeting.

"That since it must be evident that his guilt is genuine therefore see that he be acquitted and then shot." Laughlin and Bell and Stabler were seen in an earnest conference in the next room for nearly half an hour. Shoecraft brought me a letter. "This is the most courteous complaint about the French passport bureau we have yet had. I thought you'd like to see this lady's letter.

And Bildad Shoecraft, another good-natured creeter, he could bring his shoe-making bench and be tappin' boots. He could not only show off but make money at the same time, for he spozed that many a boot would be wore down to the quick walkin' round viewin' the attractions. And Blandina Teeter he spozed she could run my sewin' machine under the sugar maple.

Your mother's well and spry very, and the best company in the world. We're having a great time. Bully for the kids! Kiss 'em for me and Mollie too. Affectionately, W.H.P. Make Shoecraft tell you everything. He's one of the best boys and truest in the world. Rest Harrow, Sandwich, Kent. June 7, 1918.