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They micht hae been cast into prison, an' put to a shamefu' death, but this is glory an' honour to them. An' again she wept, coverin' her face wi' her hands. The young Malcolm, too, was weepin', no because his heart was afraid but because it was sair. "Then ane o' the men up an' spoke. 'Not so, my leddy. 'Twas a foul blow that killed my lord an' his son, an' it was gien them by a hidden enemy.

He was roused from his trance by the grasp of the mendicant. "Why stand you gazing on your deed? What's doomed is doomed what's done is past recalling. But awa, awa, if ye wad save your young blood from a shamefu' death I see the men out by yonder that are come ower late to part ye but, out and alack! sune eneugh, and ower sune, to drag ye to prison."

He was roused from his trance by the grasp of the mendicant. "Why stand you gazing on your deed? What's doomed is doomed what's done is past recalling. But awa, awa, if ye wad save your young blood from a shamefu' death I see the men out by yonder that are come ower late to part ye but, out and alack! sune eneugh, and ower sune, to drag ye to prison."

Shamefu'! shamefu'! I am a peacefu' man and a magistrate, but if ony ane had guided sae muckle as my servant quean, Mattie, as it's like they guided Rob's wife, I think it suld hae set the shabble* that my father the deacon had at Bothwell brig a-walking again. * Cutlass.

"Now, that's downright shamefu'," said Mrs. Heukbane, "to scorn the poor silly gait of a lassie after he's keepit company wi' her sae lang, and had his will o' her, as I make nae doubt he has." "It's but ower muckle to be doubted," echoed Mrs. Shortcake; "to cast up to her that her father's a barber and has a pole at his door, and that she's but a manty-maker hersell! Hout fy for shame!"

"And the weemen" here the housekeeper paused as one still lost in amazement at the audacity with which they had waylaid the helpless MacWheep "there wes ae madam in Muirtown that hed the face tae invite hersel' oot tae tea wi' three dochters, an' the way they wud flatter him on his sermons wes shamefu'. "If they didna begin askin' him tae stay wi' them on Presbytery days, and Mrs.

"Sinfu', shamefu', heaven-daring times!" answered Deans, in a lower and more subdued tone. "For my part," continued Saddletree, swelling with importance, "what between the distress of my friends, and my poor auld country, ony wit that ever I had may be said to have abandoned me, sae that I sometimes think myself as ignorant as if I were inter rusticos.

"I know that, too, ma'am that is, if I'm not dreaming, as I said before," answered the bewildered old woman. "Aweel, noo, I canna get out to forestal this graund wickedness. The shamefu' villain took gude care to prevent that, but I can circumvent him, for a' that, gin ye will help me, Mrs. Brown. Will ye?"

I'll ban his wedding travels, gin I couldna ban his wedding! I'll bring him down to disgrace and shame afore a' his graund wedding guests the fause-hearted, leeing, shamefu' villain!

It's shamefu' epicurism; but that's what we hae gotten frae the English pock-puddings." "Hout, never mind the English pock-puddings," said Luckie Lightbody; "try our puddings, Mr. Balderstone; there is black pudding and white-hass; try whilk ye like best." Ne'er a bit but she looks far better than when she married Gilbert, and then she was the bonniest lass in our parochine and the neist till't.