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Nephew, demeane your selfe with all respect Toward the gentlewoman you affect. You must learne with here since the citty Could spare you none. Ile to the lady. Crac. Captaine, shalls into th'Celler, Captaine? Suc. I like the Motion. Crac. Come away, then: there is indifferent liquor in this house, but that ith towne is most abominable. Weele drinke our owne healths, Captaine. Suc.

My Cloake and sword, Drawer. Tho. Tis here, sir. Cou. Thou art a pretty fellow; here's half a Crowne, say I am gone Thomas. Tho. You are pretty well. Enter Captaine and Underwit. Un. What shalls doe with him; this Engine burnes like Etna. Cap. Throw him into the River. Un. Hee's able to mull the Thames well, for my owne part would Mistresse Dorothy were here to open her files. Cou.

"What i' the earth is he up till noo?" says I to mysel'. He stoppit efter a whilie, an' syne my lad quietly tnaks twa raw eggs on the edge o' a cup, an' doon his thrapple wi' them. He brook up the shalls into little bitties an' steered them in amon' the ase, so's I wudna see them.

Attached upon the inside of your bedroom-door is a printed document which informs you of all the things you are not to do in the hotel-a list in which, like Mr. J. S. Mill's definition of Christian doctrine, the shall-nots predominate over the shalls.

Then there is the most respectable sect of all the Pharisees, which counts eminent divines and rabbis of every religion among its people. Great church-goers and Sabbath-keepers, great distributors of shalls and shall-nots, great observers of scruples and ordinances. They hold a tight rein over recreations and keep their mint-and-cumin tithes by double-entry.

Of "mental reservations" they knew nothing. They had never even heard the term. They dealt in "wills" and "shalls"; not in "peradventures" or "maybes." They said of a thing "it is" or "it is not." They went up into such pulpits as they possessed, not to conduct a public inquiry after truth, but to declare it. They were not out in search of a gospel adapted to the needs of the age.

Perhaps some instinct told him not to please her in this way too much, for he rose and walked away a moment. "There! don't let's think of it, or I shall turn tyrant after all, and plunge into 'shalls' and 'sha'n'ts'! You know you carry two lives, and all the plans that either of us care about, in your hand. You say that Tressady brought you home?" He turned and looked at her. "Yes.

"Perhaps," said Gavin, "she is only taking precautions against her discovery by the police. You must remember her part in the riots." "Yes, but we never learned how she was able to play that part. Besides, there is no fear in her, or she would not have ventured back to Thrums. However, good luck attend you. But be wary. You saw how she kept her feet among her shalls and wills?