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Forlong has observed the fact that, although in Hebrew Baal is masculine, in the Greek translations he is feminine both in the Old and New Testaments. Jehovah was originally female, so, also, was Netpe the Holy Spirit of the Egyptian Tree of Life. We are given to understand that Netpe was the same as Rhea, the partner of Sev or Saturn, and that her hieroglyphic name was "Abyss of Heaven."

"No, sir, but I don't feel well enough to go home Father I I t-t-told I told an awful lie, one time, about you, and " "Why, son!" "Yes, sir. I've been tryin' for seven years to k own up, and " "Sev O Law, son, I don't believe you eveh done it at all. You neveh so much as told a fib in yo' life. You jest imagine you done it." "Yes, I have father, often.

"I'll count ten, and then I'll go," she said to herself. The windows remained dark, and the only sounds on the quiet side street were the wind in the wet trees and the sizzle of the arc light above her head. "Five, six, sev " She sprang forward as the second window slowly moved and a muffled figure stood on the balcony.

The lusty paraphrase by the enthusiastic Nik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvig, of which there have been several editions, has also been of occasional use. No other translations, save of a scrap here and there into German, seem to be extant. It will be understood, from what has been said, that no complete MS. of Saxo's History is known.

Semitic, and possibly contracted, originals are still possible for unidentified mythical kings of Berossus; but such equations will inspire greater confidence, should we be able to establish Sumerian originals for the Semitic renderings, from new material already in hand or to be obtained in the future. Dr. Sev. Tabl. of Creat., Vol. I, p. 217, No. 32574, Rev., l. 2 f. Hommel, Proc. Soc. Bibl.

Conscious that the great bond of union to her former companions was sev- ered, that the disdain of others would be insup- portable, she determined to leave the few friends she possessed, and seek an asylum among strangers. Her offspring came unwelcomed, and before its nativity numbered weeks, it passed from earth, ascending to a purer and better life.

To the Greek, indefinite time as Cronos, was the oldest of the gods, begetting numberless children, but with unnatural act consuming them again; while definite time, as the Horæ, were the blithe goddesses of the order in nature and the recurrent seasons. Osiris, supreme god of the Egyptians, was born of a yet older god, Sev, Time.

Meanwhile it may be noted that in the present passage the creation of man precedes that of animals, as it did in the earlier Hebrew Version of Creation, and probably also in the Babylonian version, though not in the later Hebrew Version. It may be added that in another Sumerian account of the Creation the same order, of man before animals, is followed. Cf. Sev. Tabl., Vol.

The wheel flew to port so fast that the spokes blended into a spider-web the swing of the boat subsided she steadied herself "Seven feet!" "Sev six and a half!" "Six feet! Six f " Bang! She hit the bottom! George shouted through the tube: "Spread her wide open! Whale it at her!" Pow-wow-chow!

"Seventy-seven dollars!" "Sev Sakes alive! Well, I suppose it's all right for them that can afford it, though I do sometimes think Of course as our pastor said once, at Baptist Church By the way, we haven't seen you there yet, and of course your husband was raised up a Baptist, and I do hope he won't drift away from the fold, of course we all know there isn't anything, not cleverness or gifts of gold or anything, that can make up for humility and the inward grace and they can say what they want to about the P. E. church, but of course there's no church that has more history or has stayed by the true principles of Christianity better than the Baptist Church and In what church were you raised, Mrs.