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Galloway paused; the full force of what he was about to say, pressing strongly upon his mind. "If he is not guilty, Mr. Dean, there has been a great deal of injustice done-not only to himself " "A great deal of injustice is committed every day, I fear," quietly remarked the dean. "Tom Channing will have lost the seniorship for nothing!" went on Mr.

"I know I am hot-tempered," confessed Tom. "I cannot help it, papa; it was born with me." "Many of our failings were born with us, my boy, as I have always understood. But they are to be subdued; not indulged." "Papa, you must acknowledge that it is a shame if Pye has promised the seniorship to Yorke, over my head and Huntley's," reiterated Tom, who was apt to speak as strongly as he thought.

Gerald was actuated by a twofold motive, one of which was, that it enhanced his own chance of the seniorship. The other arose from resentment against Arthur Channing, for having brought disgrace upon the office which contained his brother Roland.

"Hasty, as usual, Tom," she said with a smile. "You know we all know that, counting fully upon this money, papa is behindhand in his payments. They must be paid off now in the best way that may be found: and it will take so much from his income. It will make no difference to you, Tom; all you can do, is to try on heartily for the seniorship and the exhibition."

"But things don't go by 'rights, you know. This business of Arthur Channing's has been quite a windfall for Gerald; he makes it into an additional reason why Tom, at any rate, should not have the seniorship. And there only remains Huntley." "He does, does he!" exclaimed Roland. "If the dean-" Roland's voice it had not been a soft one died away.

Only the day before his leaving home, he had accidentally heard a few words spoken between Tom and Charley, which had told him that Tom's chance of the seniorship was emperilled through the business connected with Arthur. Mr. Charming had then questioned Tom, and found that it was so. He must speak of this now to Mr. Huntley, however painful it might be to himself to do so.

Mademoiselle turned scarlet. "You know I meant to say Arthur, stupid boy! It's a crying wrong, Harry, upon Tom Channing. Looking at it in the worst light, he has been guilty of nothing to forfeit his right. If you can help him to the seniorship instead of supplanting him, be a brave boy, and do it. God sees all things." "I shall be late, as sure as a gun!" impatiently returned Harry.

The head-master chanted, and in the stall next to him sat Gaunt. Gaunt had discarded his surplice with his schoolboy life; but curiosity with regard to the seniorship brought him amongst them again that day. "I hope you'll keep the place, Channing," he whispered to him, as he passed the boys to get to his stall. Arthur Channing was at his place at the organ.

"What brings me here, is this, sir," continued Mr. Huntley to the master. "Knowing there was a doubt, as to which of the three senior boys would be chosen, I wished, should it prove to be my son, to speak a word about the Oxford exhibition, which, I believe, generally accompanies the seniorship. It falls due next Easter." "Yes," said Mr. Pye. "Then allow me to decline it for my son," replied Mr.

Not but that I thought some one else would have had that seniorship, you know!" In Lady Augusta's present mood, had any one of her sons committed a murder, she must have proclaimed it, though it had been to condemn him to punishment. She had not come to shield Roland; and she did not care, in her anger, how bad she made him out to be; or whether she did it in Irish or English.