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But a new addition to this weariness of life is the contempt of all earthly aspirations: the aversion to Nature as the begetter of sin. The following passages are not to be found in the first quarto: Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on't! Ah fie!

The whole current of legal decisions, the suggestions thrown out by learned judges, and the growing opinion that no sane man would be guilty of self-slaughter, have induced several new companies to exclude this proviso from their policies, while many older ones have revised their policies and eliminated the obnoxious clause.

.... Henry Wolfe, of Kentucky, aged one hundred and eight years, who had never been sick in his life, lay down one fine day and sawed his neck asunder with a razor. Henry did not believe in self-slaughter; he despised it. It was Henry's opinion that as God had placed us here we should stay until it was His pleasure to remove us.

Every gift the gods could bestow to the full equipment of the interpreter, the actor, the master, was his. 'He was a man, take him for all in all, We shall not look upon his like again. Many moons will wax and wane before from other lips, as from his, will fall: 'Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter.

I merely suggest that the playwright may one day come across a theme for which there is no conceivable ending but suicide, and may wish that he had let Trebell live, lest people should come to regard him as a spendthrift of self-slaughter. The suicide which brings to a close Mr. Clyde Fitch's very able play, The Climbers, stands on a somewhat different level.

Eponina herself was deceived, says Plutarch, whose story I follow, with the additions made thereto by the Comte de Champagny, the historian of Antoninus; and when Martialis the freedman told her of her husband's self-slaughter, she lay for three days and three nights on the ground, refusing all nourishment. When Sabinus heard of her grief, he took pity and caused her to know that he lived.

The Ford expedition was foredoomed to failure, not because it was unofficial official proposals of mediation would have been as coldly received but more because the pacifist movement it represented was a home growth of American soil. The European belligerents, inured and case-hardened as they were to a militarist environment, had not been sufficiently chastened by their self-slaughter.

'On we move, though to self-slaughter, Regular as rolling water. Never mind criticizing, boys. It will sound well at home. We did our duty, at any rate, if we did not do it exactly as represented in the picture. The reporter was not there to see for himself, and he must take somebody's word, and it is a feather in our cap that he has taken Pigey's."

And you will perceive also that they who have brought themselves to suicide have encountered the contempt of their fellow-creatures." I would not tell him of Cato and Brutus, feeling that I could not stir him to grandeur of heart by Roman instances. He would have told me that in those days, as far as the Romans knew, "the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter."

That self-slaughter by an insane man or a lunatic was not suicide within the meaning of the law. This opinion of Judge Nelson was subsequently affirmed by the Court of Appeals.