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We had battered in the heavy wooden doors that protected the inner court, and within the threshold a score or more of priests fell to our swords, and a dozen dancing girls as well, attendants on the idols self-slain these women, for when they saw that there was no quarter for the men they rushed on us like female panthers and flung themselves on our dripping blades."

So the unhappy mother had pierced her breast with a dagger, and, by her side, similarly self-slain, lay the serving woman who had miscounselled her to wrongdoing, yet, as I could quite well comprehend, from motives of sincere affection, to safeguard for her her husband's love and to give her the joy of motherhood for which she craved.

In those days she determined to lead a holy life, in the memory of the dead betrothed, and perhaps in the thought that by the outpouring of much good around her, she might yet obtain mercy for the soul of one self-slain.

Is God's scheme for the human race no more than this? Then why were we born at all? Or, being born, why may we not die at once, self-slain? Ah, yes, dear friends! you often feel like this; we all of us often feel like this! But it is not God who has made life thus hard for you, it is yourselves!

Long buried thoughts rose up from the innermost recesses of his being, and rushed upon his brain in a deluge of remembrance and regret. What! after all these years, had the ghost of his first love, the little self-slain maiden of his boyhood's dream, risen to avenge herself in the life of his son?

Many a suicide would have been averted if the self-slain beings had chosen to take a short view instead of harbouring visions of huge banked-up troubles. No young fellow was ever in a much more awkward position than that of Ferrier.

She fell without a groan, self-slain, and I saw, as in a mist of breath on a mirror, the sudden horror on the faces of the men and the one woman who were left to contemplate the ghastly deed they had committed.

Oscarovitch had pretty strong nerves, and he was well accustomed to regard any kind of crime as a quite proper means of furthering political ends: but there was something in this man's utter soullessness and the weird horror of the crime which he had just accomplished for by this time his victim would be already lying self-slain on the floor of his own spider's lair that chilled him, cold-blooded as he was.