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A shipload of supplies had lately been carted there, and miners were feverishly buying bacon, beans, "self-rising" flour, matches, tea everything within the limits of their gold dust and their carrying capacity which they needed for hurried trips to the hills where was hidden the gold they dreamed of night and day.

Self-Rising Flour!" the well-known label in California, at that day, of greatest embarrassment. One morning, after sleeping out the night in the streets of Oroville, he got up, and read these words, or some like them, in the village newspaper: "The heavy frost which fell last night brings with it at least one source of congratulation for our citizens.

Here in bloated bubbles of salt and poisonous niter the ground had boiled up and formed a brittle crust, like dough made of self-rising flour. It was a dangerous place to go, for at uncertain intervals his mules caved through to their hocks, but Wunpost did not stop till he had crossed to the other side and put ten miles of salt-flats behind him.

Here was an omen indeed, a sign without fail, for below where they circled his enemy was hiding or slipping up through the brush to shoot. We can all stand so much of superstitious fear and then the best nerves must crack Wunpost saddled his mules and struck out due south, turning off into the "self-rising ground."

All his food was frozen, of course, but he stirred up a little batter with self-rising buckwheat flour and what was left of the snow water, whittled off a few slices of bacon, fried that and afterwards cooked the batter in the grease, watching lest the thick cake burn before it had cooked in the center.