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It will be seen that the books such as were then used, instead of being placed on shelves or in a bookcase, were kept in round boxes called Scrinia, which were generally of beech wood, and could be locked or sealed when required. The books in rolls or sewn together were thus easily carried about by the owner on his journeys. Mr.

CLII, No. 13. S.P. Dom., James I., Vol. CLXX., No. 54, 24th July, 1624. Cabala, Sive Scrinia Sacra, etc., p. 318. S.P. Dom., James I., Vol. CIII., No. 111. Coles' MSS., Vol. XXXIII., pp. 17, 18. "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Henry VI., 2, IV., 2. Although Robert Wright was baptised in October, 1624, the date of his birth is uncertain.

The correspondence between the prince and his subjects was managed by the four scrinia, or offices of this minister of state. The first was appropriated to memorials, the second to epistles, the third to petitions, and the fourth to papers and orders of a miscellaneous kind.

Jucundus had been pleasantly engaged in a small supper-party; and, mindful that a symposium should lie within the number of the Graces and of the Muses, he had confined his guests to two, the young Greek Aristo, who was one of his principal artists, and Cornelius the son of a freedman of a Roman of distinction, who had lately got a place in one of the scrinia of the proconsular officium, and had migrated into the province from the imperial city where he had spent his best days.