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Schaum, H., on the elytra of Dytiscus and Hydroporus. Scherzer and Schwarz, measurements of savages. Schelver, on dragon-flies. Schiodte, on the stridulation of Heterocerus. Schlegel, F. von, on the complexity of the languages of uncivilised peoples. Schlegel, Prof., on Tanysiptera. Schleicher, Prof, on the origin of language.

Von Nathusius, who has had very wide experience, is strongly of the same opinion. 'Reise der Novara: Anthropolog. Theil, 1867, ss. 216-269. The results were calculated by Dr. Weisbach from measurements made by Drs. K. Scherzer and Schwarz. Mr. 'Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. xvi.

It is not yet in print; but I saw it in my youth and it has been recently again in my hands. Calovius and Scherzer, authors well versed in Scholastic philosophy, and sundry other able theologians answered the Socinians at great length, and often with success: for they would not content themselves with the general and somewhat cavalier answers that were commonly used against that sect.

All the secondary sexual characters of man are highly variable, even within the limits of the same race; and they differ much in the several races. These two rules hold good generally throughout the animal kingdom. The results were deduced by Dr. Weisbach from the measurements made by Drs. K. Scherzer and Schwarz, see 'Reise der Novara: Anthropolog.

C. Scherzer, in his work on Central America, gives the cacao-tree an existence of twenty years, and says that each tree annually produces from 15 to 20 ounces of cacao. 1,000 plants will produce 1,250 lbs. of cacao, worth $250; so that the annual produce of a single tree is worth a quarter of a dollar. Mitscherlich says that from 4 to 6 lbs. of raw beans is an average produce.

Statistics of American Soldiers, by B.A. Gould, 1869, pp. 298-358; 'On the capacity of the lungs, p. 471. See also the numerous and valuable tables, by Dr. Weisbach, from the observations of Dr. Scherzer and Dr. Schwarz, in the 'Reise der Novara: Anthropolog. See, for instance, Mr. The races differ also in constitution, in acclimatisation and in liability to certain diseases.