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Kite, of our regiment, and Mrs. Dove, of the 100th 'Scatterers, would have laid themselves down and died if it hadn't been for me; but I roused them Mrs. Kite, at least for poor Mrs. Dove gave way so, she wasn't out of her berth for a week, and could keep down nothing but a peppermint, and the stewardess never came near her."

"Raisers-up of roof of war, Nose to nose in counsel are; Wakeners of the shield-rain sit Wagging beard to talk of it: Scatterers of the serpent's bed Round about lay head to head. For belike they heard my name; And must balance peace and shame."

I have specified some of the twentieth century's inventions to show that, like the compass and the printing-press, they will be scatterers of privileges to the masses. I might go on indefinitely adding to the list, but I will cite only one more.

The gospel bearers craned their necks like hungry fowls in their eagerness to peck at any problems Mark felt inclined to scatter before them. A ludicrous fancy passed through his mind that much of the good seed was pecked up by the scatterers. "What are you trying to convert people to?" Mark solemnly inquired. "What are we trying to convert people to?" echoed Mr. Bullock and Mr. Smillie in unison.

At the door of the flag room he knocked, then without waiting for a summons from within, he entered. The two scatterers of Christmas cheer had finished their work by this time and were now gleefully watching the feathered folk of the air settling about the unexpected repast, so they scarcely heard the steps in the hall or the creak of the opening door.

Preston to come up and speak to her, as she was dying as fast as she could, and the poor lady couldn't as much as lift her own 'ead." "And you are not so very bad," said Bluebell, encouragingly. "Think of Mrs. Dove, of the 100th 'Scatterers, and don't give way." So, partly by laughing and partly by gentle determination, she brought her round, and favoured the escape of the stewardess.

There were none of the wild and obscene acts which disgraced the German army in its first advance to and its retreat from the Marne. No torch bearers and tablet scatterers were let loose in the streets. On the contrary any German soldier misbehaving himself by looting, raping, or drunken beastliness found a quick death against a white wall.

No doubt professional beggars have taken large advantage of this unhappy time to work upon the sympathies of those easy givers who cannot bear to hear the wail of distress, however simulated who prefer giving at once, because it "does their own hearts good," to the trouble of inquiring or the pain of refusing, who would rather relieve twenty rogues than miss the blessing of one honest soul who was ready to perish, those kind-hearted, free-handed scatterers of indiscriminate benevolence who are the keen-eyed, whining cadger's chief support, his standing joke, and favourite prey; and who are more than ever disposed to give to whomsoever shall ask of them in such a season as this.

Pictures and buildings won't be completely destroyed, because in that case the <i>forestieri</i>, scatterers of cash, would cease to arrive and the turn-stiles at the doors of the old palaces and convents, with the little patented slit for absorbing your half-franc, would grow quite rusty, would stiffen with disuse.

Mute, mindless, or demented nations are dangerous and doomed nations. The great political conceptions that are needed to establish the peace of the world must become the common property of the mass of intelligent adults if they are to hold against the political scoundrel, the royal adventurer, the forensic exploiter, the enemies and scatterers of mankind.