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Rum one; why he is a member of a temperance society, walks in procession when to home, with a white apron in front, and the ends of a scarf-like sash behind, and a rosette as large as a soup-plate on his breast a rum one; what an infamous accusation! The poor man stands aghast at this; he humbly begs pardon, and Juno is satisfied.

All night long she stayed there at the window. Sometimes dozing in the chair; once waking with a start, fancying that her husband was bending over her. Had he been and stolen away? And the dawn came; dew-grey, filmy and wistful, woven round each black tree, and round the white dove-cot, and falling scarf-like along the river. And the chirrupings of birds stirred among leaves as yet invisible.

The soft fawn-skin tilma, with its gaudy broidering of beads and stained quills the fringed skirt and buskined ankles the striped Navajo blanket slung scarf-like over her shoulders all presented a true gipsy appearance. The plumed circlet upon the head was more typical of Transatlantic costume; and the rifle carried by a female hand was still another idiosyncracy of America.

A gaily striped serape, suspended scarf-like over the left shoulder, with a sash of red China crape wound loosely around the waist, completed a costume more picturesque than savage. A face of noble type, with an eye strongly glancing, like that of an eagle; an expression of features in no way fierce, but, like the dress, more gentle than savage; a countenance, in repose mild almost to meekness.

From her delicate shoulders hung floating scarf-like sleeves of black transparency and she lifted one of them and held it out like a night moth's wing "This cost forty pounds," she said, her voice quite faint and low. "A good nurse would cost forty! A cook and a footman and a maid and a coachman and the brougham I don't know how much they would cost. Oh-h!"

But Violet had already snatched up a bath-towel which she draped about her with scarf-like effect. "This will do quite well and is infinitely more artistic. Pray come in, Dr. Wyndham! The patient is quite ready for you." Max came in. He scarcely looked at either girl, but halted just inside the room, holding the door wide open. "One at a time, Miss Campion, please!" he said curtly.

Bubble or bust that's how Knapp feels." Stripped, the boy stood up in the darkness. "Got the flag, Piper?" "Here it be, sir. How'll you carry it?" "So." He wound it up in a coil and tied it about his neck, scarf-like. "Now I'm ready." The old man wheeled out to the edge of the shadow of the house. All about was black and silver in the moon. A faint breeze ruffled the sycamores upon the knoll.

As they had come up to the snow line he had made her put on the light woollen shirt he carried in his pack; and the big handkerchief, in which he had so long wrapped the picture, he had fastened scarf-like about her head, so she was not cold.

As she rehearsed these words in her mind, Miss Eastman went hurrying through the streets. Twilight had set in, close and sultry, with low grumblings of thunder, and there was that stillness in the air, that strange sense of waiting, which precedes the storm. Gray, scarf-like films were speeding across the black-purple sky, and were suddenly rent by a zig-zag quiver of blue-white fire.

Shoulders and bust rose as out of pink foam from the scarf-like folds of some very airy material; brilliants flashed at her breast and on her arms, the diadem was in her hair, two solitaires in the delicate little ears, a double row of pearls round her neck, and an ostrich feather fan, with enameled gold mounts, in her hand. A superb figure! "How beautiful!" he said, and stroked her chin fondly.