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He walks the country side, his hands behind him, his head bent as of old; or he rides a horse that is slightly lame, inspecting with thoughtful gaze the frenzied industries of war, war such as he the war-genius never saw in his visions of the future: the immense aerodromes, the bomb sheds, the wireless stations and observation towers, the giant "saucisses" resting under green canvas, ready to rise at dawn; and all the other astounding features of the landscape so peaceful in his day.

Nimble fingers soon opened it, and found, besides le cafe and le the, as they were labelled, several petits pains "Rolls!" cried Julie, smacking her hungry lips a bunch of saucisses; of le fromage about a pound, and of la patisserie enough for a meal for the hungry girls.

Even the sky, which had been blue and bright, was gray over Jussy, and the grayest of gray things were the immense "saucisses" three or four of them hanging low under the clouds like advertisements of titanic potatoes, haughtiest of war-time vegetables. Dierdre O'Farrell inadvertently called the big bulks "saucissons," which amused our officer guide so much that he laughed to tears.

Bread and Beer. Potage de Tortue. Calipash. Calipees. Un Paté de Jambon de Bayone. Potage Julien Verd. Two Turbots to remove the Soops. Haunch of Venison. Palaits de Mouton. Selle de Mouton. Salade. Saucisses au Ecrevisses. Boudin Blanc

Tranche de melon 1 0 Artichaud a la poivrade 0 15 Raves et Radis 0 6 Salade de concombres 1 10 Thon marine 1 10 Anchois a l'huile 1 5 Olives 0 15 Pied de cochon a la Sainte-Menehould 0 12 Cornichons 0 8 Petit sale aux choux 1 5 Saucisses aux choux 0 18 1 Petit Pain de Beurre 0 4 2 OEufs frais 0 12 1 Citron 0 8 Rissole a la Choisy 1 0 Croquette de volaille 1 4 3 Rognons a la brochette 1 0 Tete de veau en tortue 2 5 Tete de veau au naturel 1 0 1 Cotelette de porc frais, sauce robert 1 0 Chou-Croute garni 1 10 Jambon de Mayence aux epinards 1 5

The same day, as he passed by a cavalry barracks, Prince des Boscenos heard the troopers as they were sweeping out the yard, singing: Boscenos est un gros cochon; On en va faire des andouilles, Des saucisses et du jambon Pour le riveillon des pauy' bougres.

The Duke of Ampoule, who was the great financier of the party, was chosen treasurer and charged with organising funds for the propaganda. The meeting was on the point of coming to an end when a rough voice was heard singing an old air: Boscenos est un gros cochon; On en va faire des andouilles Des saucisses et du jambon Pour le reveillon des pauv' bougres.

Kant or Fichte? or is there any other new star who has discovered the origin of our essence, and proved the non-necessity of eating? Count, let me help you to a little more of these saucisses aux choux.