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They came next to a harbour in the island of Sarangani, reported to yield both pearls and gold. At this place they pressed two pilots to conduct them to the Moluccas; and passing the islands named Ceana, Canida, Cabiaia, Camuca, Cabalu, Chiari, Lipan, and Nuza, they came to a fair isle in lat20' N. named Sangir.

Volcanoes of Java Papandayang Mountain Ingulfed Great Destruction of Life and Property Galoen-gong Destructive Eruption Mount Merapia Great Eruption, with Hurricane Another, very destructive Mud Volcano Crater of Tankuban-Prahu Island of Sumbawa Volcano of Tomboro Terrific Eruption Timor A Volcano quenches itself Cleaving of Mount Machian Sangir Destructive Eruption Bourbon.

A mountain was rent from top to bottom, sending out great columns of fire and dense vapours. The two parts now remain two distinct mountains. In the Island of Sangir, another of the Moluccas, there was a violent eruption in March 1856. A large portion of the mountain fell down, and tremendous floods of water issued forth.

He was brought before Captain Sleeman, at Sangir, in the December of that year, and offered, if his life were spared, to give such information as would lead to the arrest of several extensive gangs which had carried on their murderous practices undetected for several years.

He mentioned the place of rendezvous, for the following February, of some well organized gangs, who were to proceed into Guzerat and Candeish. Captain Sleeman appeared to doubt his information; but accompanied the Thug to a mango grove, two stages from Sangir, on the road to Seronage.