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The little village of Stillorgan was the parting of the ways. Either they went to the left towards the Dublin mountains or along the Goatstown road and thence into Dundrum, coming home by Sandyford.

Very well, then, if I tell you what I know and you write about it, will you promise not to allude to the house by its right number? If you do, there will be the dickens to pay simply call it House, near Sandyford Place. You promise? Good! Let us take a little stroll before we turn in I feel I want a breath of fresh air and I will tell you the experience I once had there.

The operation, involving a very hard march, was carried out. The main army crossed at Twizel Mill, the rearguard fording the stream as high up as Sandyford; the junction being effected behind Branxton Marsh. The passage of the troops might easily have been prevented; but James, very inefficiently served in scouting, knew nothing of what was going on. Andrew Lang, Hist.

When I was a lad in Edinburgh the whole country went mad about the Sandyford Place murder. Trent nodded. 'Mrs M'Lachlan's case. She was innocent right enough. 'My parents thought so, said Mr Cupples. 'I thought so myself when I became old enough to read and understand that excessively sordid story.

It is exactly two years ago, and I was on tour here in The Green Bushes. All the usual theatrical 'diggings' had been snapped up long before I arrived, and, not knowing where else to go, I went to No. Sandyford Place, which I saw advertised in one of the local papers as a first-class private hotel with very moderate charges. A wild bit of extravagance, eh?

The last time I was passing through Glasgow, I put up for the night at an hotel near Sandyford Place, and met there an old theatrical acquaintance named Browne, Hely Browne. Not having seen him since I gave up acting, which is now, alas! a good many years, we had much to discuss touring days, lodgings, managers, crowds, and a dozen other subjects, all included in the vulgar term "shop."

A private hotel in a neighbourhood like that of Sandyford Place is a big order for an ordinary comedian. I forget exactly what the terms were, but I know I pulled rather a long face when I was told. Still, being, as I say, tired of the usual 'digs, I determined to try it, and accordingly found myself landed in a nice-sized bedroom on the second floor.