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And in effect, that ship, which the viceroy left behind him at Mozambique, in the company of some others, pursuing her course afterwards to the Indies, was driven against the rocks, and dashed in pieces towards the island of Salseta.

These orders contained, That no toleration should be granted for the superstition of the infidels in the isle of Goa, nor in that of Salseta; that they should break in pieces all the pagods which were there, and make search, in the houses of the Gentiles, for concealed idols, and whosoever used or made them should be punished according to the quality of his crime; that as many of the Brachmans as were found to oppose the publication of the gospel, should be banished; that out of a yearly rent of three thousand crowns, charged on a mosque at Bazain, a subsistence should be made for the poor, newly converted from idolatry; that hereafter no public employment should be given to Pagans; that no exaction should remain unpunished; that no slaves should henceforth be sold, either to Mahometans or Gentiles; that the pearl fishing should only be in the hands of Christians, and that nothing should be taken from them, without paying them the due value; that the king of Cochin should not be suffered to despoil or oppress the baptized Indians; and, last of all, that if Sosa had not already revenged the murder of the Christians in Manar, who were massacred by the king of Jafanatapan's command, Castro, who succeeded in his place, should not fail to see it done.