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His real mother, the captain says, could scarcely have expressed more delight at his return, while his sable-coloured brothers and sister paid their respects to him, when the vehemence of a mother's affection had somewhat subsided.

A look in her face was haunting me with a memory I could not fix when she stooped and said: "Aren't you Mary O'Neill?" The voice completed the identification, and I knew who it was. It was Alma Lier. She was now about seven-and-twenty and in the prime of her young womanhood. Her beautiful auburn hair lay low over her broad forehead, almost descending to her long sable-coloured eyebrows.

He stood in the full light of the lamp, his trim, small figure boldly cut out against the dark wall beyond. He wore the usual sable-coloured clothes which he affected, with the primly-folded jabot and cuffs edged with narrow lace. Without waiting for permission from her he quietly and deliberately placed his hat and cloak on a chair.

Occasionally, when she thought I was looking down, I caught the vivid gaze of her coal-black eyes looking across at me through her long sable-coloured eyelashes. Her conversation was as sweet and suave as ever, but I found myself creeping away from her and even shrinking from her touch.

His tent was in the form of a castle, the battlements guarded by numerous sturdy men-at-arms. Upon the seventh and last day, Saint George of England entered the lists as chief Challenger, mounted on a sable-coloured steed, betrapped with bars of burnished gold, and whose forehead was beautiful with a gorgeous plume of purple feathers, from whence hung many pendants of gold.