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I can't say the other, it won't s-say itself." She asked her question with a cessation of her entire being, as if her heart had missed a beat. "Hasn't your brother told you anything?" "Oh yes. I know how you threw over the professional end of it for what you decided you could do better.

He gazed at her again, as though he scarcely knew her. "These chaps have been awfully good to me," he said thickly. "We must must s-say good-bye. They s-sail for New Zealand this safternoon." "That's good. Then say good-bye now, and come away. We've a lot to do." He stared moodily. "Look here, where's my baggage? Did you g-get it th-through the Customs for me?"

But, if you should need any more at any other time, why, you can take it from me, I keep my hand in on Sammy, an' practice makes perfect." She released the two small, trembling hands, rose to her feet, and made as if to leave the room. Then for the first time Radcliffe spoke. "S-say," he breathed with difficulty, "s-say are you are you goin' to t-tell?"

Look here, to begin with, how much do you owe Fred? You shall have all I've got. If I give it to you you can't be a thief any more." Between them they had just enough money for Fred and a few shillings left. He wept as she fastened it in an envelope and asked him to take it along to Fred's cabin at once. "I I s-say, Marcella. I I d-daren't," he groaned. "He'll ask me to wet it.

He shut his eyes, and in a desperate, earnest voice said, under his breath, "Good-by!" And again, lower still, "Good-by!" "Good-by, Johnnie." He looked up into her laughing eyes. His color came hot, his heart pounded, and he gasped, "S-say m-my John! Won't you?" "Why, certainly. Good-by, my Johnnie." She smiled yet more. "Will will" he choked "will you b-be my k Fannie when I g-get old enough?"

"I I want to s-say," the young man stammered, "that you are the o-only " Sammie was suddenly arrested in his protestation of love by Dick's voice at the door. "Say, come inside," he called. "It's beginning to rain, and it's spoiled my ride this evening. It's going to be confounded dull to-night, so give us some music, Lois, to liven things up a bit."

But she danced away, ever managing to keep well beyond reach, until she disappeared within the narrow path leading to the cabin. He could see her through the vista of branches, pausing to look back and watch if he followed. "B-but you do," he called out, "I-I know you d-do. Won't yer just s-s-say it for me onct?" "Say dat I marry you?" "Y-yes, for it means ther same. Anyhow, s-say yer love me."

He knew and he was sure that she knew that when they discussed Heye's string tie and pretended to laugh, they were agitatedly voicing their intoxication. His voice unsteady, Carl said: "Jiminy! it's so hot, Eve! I'm going to take off this darn shirt and collar and put on a soft shirt. S-say, w-why don't you put on a kimono or something? Be so much cooler."

"You b-b-bet," Mr. Dreux stuttered. After a painful effort to control himself he inquired, with rolling eyes, "S-say, Norvin, will there be any fighting any d-d-danger?" Blake's own imagination had already presented that aspect of the matter all too vividly. "Yes, there may be danger," he confessed. "We may have to take the boy by force."

"Hush! don't speak so loud!" "Well, I will, Chichester, s-so help me God, I will!" "Will what, Ronald?" "W-wait and see!" "You don't mean murder, Ronald?" "I didn't s-say so, d-did I?" "Of course not, my dear Barrymaine, but shall I take the pistols?" And Mr. Chichester stretched out his hand towards a flat, oblong box that Barrymaine carried clutched beneath his arm.