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I'm jest tellin' you about it so that if you ever git interested in fightin' hens after this, you'll be thankful to me for a pointer or two." "I won't begin to take lessons yet a while," the Cap'n grunted. "It ain't in my line." Hiram tossed his feathered gladiator out upon the garden mould. "S-s-s-s-! Eat him up, boy!" he commanded.

But I myself go somewhat further. I say that Kolniyatsch's message has drowned all previous messages and will drown any that may be uttered in the remotest future. You ask me what, precisely, that message was? Well, it is too elemental, too near to the very heart of naked Nature, for exact definition. Can you describe the message of an angry python more satisfactorily than as S-s-s-s?

He was silent long enough to whet an imagined expectation; then he set his face towards the sky, and began a soft, low, coaxing sibilation between his teeth. "S-s-s-s; s-s-s-s-s-s! Well, it don't stand to reason it can bring the wind S-s-s-s-s-s-s; s-s-s-s. Why, of course it 's all foolishness. S-s-s-s." He continued to emit these sibilants, interspersing them with Adams's protests.

Never did bough creak so mysteriously, and never did the far-away howling of dogs send such a woeful presage through the night. There was a long spell of silence, big, aching, void, and then from the Professor a keen "S-s-s-s!" He pointed, and far down the avenue of yews we saw a white figure advance, a dim white figure, which held something dark at its breast.

"You m-mean he s-s-s-s " and finding that the word was going to prove too much for him Toby quickly puckered up his lips, gave a little whistle, and wound up by speaking the objectionable word as plainly as anyone could have done "skedaddled?" "Yes, ran away as fast as he could," Max continued.

Once in a while he fancied he could hear the señora weeping, but for at least three hours this was all he heard. Then he heard a distinct "S-s-s-s," which was the signal agreed upon between him and the señora if she heard anything unusual. In an instant he was on the alert. Yes, he was sure he heard footsteps near the gate, without.

The symphony began, and was soon afterwards followed by a faint kind of ventriloquial chirping, proceeding apparently from the deepest recesses of the interior of Miss Amelia Martin. ‘Sing out’shouted one gentleman in a white great-coat. ‘Don’t be afraid to put the steam on, old gal,’ exclaimed another, ‘S-s-s-s-s-s-s’-went the five-and-twenty bottled ales. ‘Shame, shame!’ remonstrated the ornamental painter’s journeyman’s party‘S-s-s-s’ went the bottled ales again, accompanied by all the gins, and a majority of the brandies.

It is growing dusk, but the fellow is an adept at quick, fine casting I wonder what fly he has on why, he's going to try downstream now? I hurry forward, and as I near him, I swerve to the left out of the way. S-s-s-s! a sudden sting in the lobe of my ear. Hey! I cry as I find I am caught; the tail fly is fast in it.

Before she could obey, the dining room curtains were parted, and a black-clad little Jap butler sidled into the hallway, his jaw adroop, his beady eyes astare with terror, his hands washing each other with invisible soap-and-water. "Sato!" exclaimed Claire. The Jap paid no heed. "Prease!" he chattered between castanet teeth. "Prease, I hear. I scare. I no fightman. I go, prease! I s-s-s-s, I "

Alf roused himself, and looked around. "Here, miss!" he called; and "S-s-s-s" when she did not hear him. It was his way of summoning an attendant or a waitress. "S-s-s-s." The attendant brought chocolates, which Alf handed rather magnificently to his companion. He plunged into his pockets in his rough-and-ready, muscular way for the money, leaning far over the next seat, which was unoccupied.