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He rode away laughing as he reflected on what share of Pole's debt he was to devour. The bustle and folly of a rummage-sale was once in every two or three years a frolic altogether pleasant to quiet Westways. It enabled Ann Penhallow and other wise women to get rid of worn-out garments and other trash dear to the male mind.

Her satisfaction in finding an amusement which the Colonel fancied was really childlike. Leila said nothing, nor did I. In fact, the proposal came about when I happened unluckily to say what a fine chance Uncle Sam had for a rummage-sale after a forced march or a fight. I recall having said much the same thing long ago in a letter to Leila."

He smoked, I fear, too much during these days of preparation for the rummage-sale, and rode hard; while Leila within the dismantled house was all day long like the quiet steadying flywheel in some noisy machinery.

That's where a rummage-sale comes in handy." Leila laughed. "Why not sell the unsatisfactory young man, Mrs. Crocker?" "Well, that ain't a bad idea," said the post-mistress slyly, "if he's a damaged article a rummage-sale of husbands not up to sample." "A very useful idea," said the young woman. "Good-bye."

Miss Hopkins sailed into Hynds House on a perfect afternoon, to discuss with us a proposed rummage-sale which was to benefit the heathen. She wasn't really worrying about the heathen: he had all the rest of his benighted life to get himself saved in, hadn't he? All the while she sat there and talked about him, she was really loaded to the muzzle with pertinent remarks to affluent authors.

She gathered some imperfect comfort in the thought that she might not have been justified in her conclusions regarding a man who was in so many ways an unexplained personality. During the next few days the village was in a state of anticipative pleasure and of effort to find for the rummage-sale articles which were damaged or useless.

You're just fit to be sold at a rummage-sale." He was less easily vexed than made curious. "What's a rummage-sale?" "Oh! we had one two years ago. And Mr. Rivers sells the things at auction, you know and oh, my! he was funny." "So they sell what no one wants. Then why does any one buy?" "I'm sure, I don't know." "I wonder what I would fetch, Leila?" "Not much," she said. "Maybe you're right."

Well, he walked in quite spry and told me there was to be a rummage-sale in a week, and I was to put up a notice and tell everybody. Why, Mr. John, he was that natural. He went away laughing because I offered to sell my old man twenty-five cents a pound. I did notice he don't walk right." "Yes, I have noticed that; but this notion of a rummage-sale has seemed to make him better.

After a big fight or wearying march one could collect material for a rummage-sale such as would rout Aunt Ann's ideal of an amusing auction of useless things. "My love to one and all, and above all to the dear Colonel who is never long out of my mind. "Yours truly, "I put on this separate sheet for you alone the adventure you ask for.

When Leila complained of the disturbing antecedents of a rummage-sale, Mrs. Crocker, contributive of unasked wisdom, remarked, "Men have habits, and women don't; women have blind instincts. You'll find that out when you're married. You see marriage is a kind of voyage of discovery. You just remember that and begin early to keep your young man from storing away useless clothes and the like.