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"'There is a divinity that shapes our ends," she thought, "'rough-hew them how we may." Where had she heard that before? She remembered, now it was a favourite quotation of Anthony Dexter's. Her lip curled scornfully. Was she never to be free from Anthony Dexter? Was she always to be confronted with his cowardice, his shirking, his spoken and written thoughts?

Micah asks, "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God?" Of this continuous growth of religion the Old Testament is the record. Israel's literature records the forcing forward of this growth of religion, as by some Power back of man, shaping its ends, rough-hew them as it might.

You couldn't escape it; nobody can." "Then you don't believe there is a Destiny that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will?" Lawanne said lightly. Doris shook her head. "Destiny is only a word. It means one thing to one person, something else to another. It's too abstract to account for anything. Life's a puzzle no one ever solves, because the factors are never constant.

And even in spite of shelves that groan beneath tomes and tomes, and advice from a million preachers, the answer is: Nobody knows. "There is a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will." Moses was sent adrift, but the tide carried him into power. The brethren of Joseph "deposited him into a cavity," but you can not dispose of genius that way!

Indeed character consists in little acts, well and honourably performed; daily life being the quarry from which we build it up, and rough-hew the habits which form it. One of the most marked tests of character is the manner in which we conduct ourselves towards others. A graceful behaviour towards superiors, inferiors, and equals, is a constant source of pleasure.

Was it sufficient for him to fore-plan the plots of his plays, the story, acts, scenes, persons, the general rough idea, or argument, and then to sit at his table, and, by some process analogous to mesmeric manipulations, put himself into a condition in which his genius should elaborate and shape what he, by the aid of his poetic taste and all other faculties, had been able to rough-hew?

How much we are in the hand of Providence 'rough-hew our ends as we may! In little more than an hour we shall probably be at our journey's close for the time. I have just heard a story of the poor country-people here. A few days ago, a party of drunken sailors went to a village, got into a row, and killed a man by mistake.

Instead of the perpetual sense of the helpful presence of the Deity, which, through all heathen tradition, is the source of heroic strength, in battle, in exile, and in the valley of the shadow of death, we find only in the great Christian poet the consciousness of a moral law, through which 'the gods are just, and of our pleasant vices make instruments to scourge us; and of the resolved arbitration of the destinies, that conclude into precision of doom what we feebly and blindly began; and force us, when our indiscretion serves us, and our deepest plots do pall, to the confession that 'there's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will."

Why these nervous apprehensions, and these unreasonable doubts?" "`There is a providence that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will. "Let us accept, then, the belief which all things tend to confirm, that a glorious future awaits us in our new sphere of action at Tewa!"

There is a Divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will, and it's no good grumbling." "Yiss," said Mr. Hawk, after chewing this sentiment for a while in silence, "so she said me, 'Hawk, she said like that 'you're a girt fule " "That's all right," I replied. "I quite understand. As I say, it's simply Fate. Good-bye." And I left him.