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The master of Roselands rang the bell. "Good-night, Major Churchill. I am sorry that we part no better friends, and I regret that you will not tell me what gatherer up of rumour and discoverer of mares' nests was at the pains to procure me the honour of this visit. I might hazard a guess but no matter. Joab, Major Churchill's horse. Good-night, sir." He bowed formally.

Home he comes to Albemarle and begins improving Roselands. Cases too, in court, and a queue of waiting clients, and Richmond to return to in November. Granted there's a strange emigration West; but Lewis Rand Lewis Rand's as fixed in Virginia as are the Churchills and the Carys!" He slowly lifted and as slowly moved a queen. "And what other course, from time out of mind, does the disloyal pursue?

"They can stay at Roselands with their cousins Calhoun and Arthur Conly; or at the Oaks, if Horace and his family do not join us in the trip to Nantucket." "Cannot Bob and Betty go with us, papa?" Elsie asked. "I have no doubt it would be a very great treat to them." "Our party promises to be very large," he replied; "but if you two ladies are agreed to invite them I shall raise no objection."

Four hours I have been writing, and no sign of the wagons.... I am writing everything down as I remember it, because these things are so clear to me now and yet I know that afterwards they will be changed, twisted. I was drowsy. I saw Polchester High Street, Garth in Roselands, Clinton, Truxe, best of all Rafiel.

The Major swung around from the red light of the logs. "Mr. Rand, we my brother Dick and I propose a lasting peace between the two houses, between Fontenoy and Roselands. My brother Henry, sir, the father of of your wife, sir, was as near to us in love as in blood, and the honour, safety, and peace of mind of his daughter are very much our concern!

"No except that his saddle had holsters. I have seen his pistols. I saw them one night at Monticello. He told me that they were a gift from his patron." "Yes. They were given by Mr. Jefferson, and the other's name is upon them. Moreover, he travelled armed from Richmond to Roselands. I acquired that knowledge in the autumn.

"We can be quite ready, I am sure, and will escape some hours of waiting; while they will gain time for rest and refreshment before the arrival of the family party who are to gather here from the Oaks, Roselands, the Laurels, and the Pines." "Oh, yes, yes! it is ever so nice! and I'm as glad as I can be," she cried rapturously.

"Ralph, is this the kind of boy you are? a gambler and profane swearer? And you, too, Max? Do you mean to break your poor father's heart and some day bring down his gray hairs with sorrow to the grave? Go at once to your room, sir. And you, Ralph, return immediately to Roselands. I cannot expose my grandchildren to the corrupting influence of such a character as yours."

"And Jacqueline," continued Deb, in a stifled little voice, "Jacqueline wrote me a letter and said not to come this year if Uncle Dick and Uncle Edward wanted me at home. She told me I must always obey and love them just as if I didn't anyhow. She said she loved me more than most anything, but I don't think that is loving me to think I'd better not come to Roselands.

"He neither sulks nor shirks. It remains that there was but one woman in the world for him, and that she is at Roselands with Lewis Rand." The Major's book fell with a crash to the floor. He stooped quickly and recovered it before the younger man could give him service. "I shall run Mustapha on the sixteenth at Staunton against Carter's York," he said, in a shaking voice.