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Godfrey had unsuccessfully explored the neighbouring hills, while Breaden and Charlie cleaned out the rockhole with like result. A very hot, cloudy night did not make things any more pleasant; we were all a bit done, and poor Charlie was seized with a violent and painful vomiting a not unusual accompaniment to want of food and water. We would have given something to have their knowledge!

A small gum creek to the south-south-east was first visited and left in disgust, and all the rocks and hills we searched, were equally destitute of water. We wasted the rest of the day in fruitless search; Nature seemed to have made no effort whatever to form any such thing as a rockhole, and we saw no place where the natives had ever even dug.

Though little of his journey was through new country, yet it had the valuable result of proving the non-existence of auriferous country in the belt traversed. Due West of the Pillar, distant two and a half miles, situated in a scrub-covered rocky gorge, is a fair-sized rockhole.

Sand is weary walking and spinifex unpleasant until one's legs get callous to its spines. We had not gone far before our hopes were again raised, and again dashed, by coming on rocky ground and presently on another rockhole quite dry! We began to think that there could be no water anywhere; this hole was well protected and should hold water for months.