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It had been decided the night before that Gwynne Ellis should leave the house alone at his usual early hour, and that his friends should come by the high road from Abersethin, and down by the river-path to the church. They were not to stand outside, but to enter the church at once, to avoid any possible observation; but in spite of this prior arrangement Cardo wondered why no one appeared.

At this moment, before they had left the room, there arose a strange wild sound from without almost an unearthly sound that seemed to come from several voices, and to be bearing round the house from the river-path. Mrs. O'Moore put down her knife and fork, and rose up with a startled cry. "There's nothing to be alarmed at," said the dowager. "It is those Irish harvesters.

He found some potatoes and carrots so small that they had been dropped as worthless by a passing labourer on the river-path and selected the best, leaving the others to rot among the autumn leaves. As the "pocket" was inadequate to contain his various stores, the vole used the chamber also as a granary, and slept in the warm, dry hollow by the willow-roots.

She had never been further than the bridge and the river-bank before, and as she clambered up from the muddy, slippery river-path, and pushed through the sheltering brushwood which lined it, she found herself, a tiny speck, apparently the only living creature, in a huge great stretch of moorland which was all new ground to her.

Although it was evident that he was pressed for time, the colonel did not hurry his horse, but rather relieved it when he could by dismounting, at every sharp ascent, and riding where possible in the deep shade of the chestnut trees. He turned aside from the main road that climbs laboriously to Oletta and Olmeta, and followed the river-path.

It was a fresh world that we traversed on our beautiful river-path, new as if no other had ever parted its overhanging bowers. At noon we floated out upon Lake Pemadumcook, the largest bulge of the Penobscot, and irregular as the verb To Be. Lumbermen name it Bammydumcook: Iglesias insisted upon this as the proper reading; and as he was the responsible man of the party, I accepted it.

And on and on they walked in that strange, miserable silence, past all those benches and couples, out on the river-path by the fields, where the scent of hay-stacks, and the freshness from the early stubbles and the grasses webbed with dew, overpowered the faint reek of the river mud. And still on and on in the moonlight that haunted through the willows.

Whereupon Ida quietly described her afternoon promenades upon the river-path, with the Fraeulein always in her company, and how her friend's cousin had been permitted to walk up and down with them.

Then, while the trim maidservant filled the air with her lamentations, the imp and I ran hot-foot for the wall, over which I bundled him neck and crop, and we set off pellmell along the river-path. "Oh, Uncle Dick," he panted, "how how fine you are! you knocked yon footman I mean varlet from his saddle like like anything. Oh, I do wish you would play like this every night!" "Heaven forbid!"

It was with difficulty I refrained from embracing the bearer of such good tidings. "Be easy," he commanded. "Ye'll need these demonstrations, I'm thinkin' huntin' one lass and losin' y'r heart to another." We arranged he should go to Fort Douglas for Frances Sutherland and I was to set out later. They were to ride along the river-path south of the forks where I could join them.