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They abound in minute detail bright little mountains and ridges and include some clefts pertaining to the Mersenius rill-system; but their most noteworthy feature is the long bright mountain-arm, branching out from the eastern wall of Gassendi, and extending for more than 50 miles towards the south-east.

On the N. is a large peculiar depressed plain with a gently sloping wall, within which are three short rill-like valleys and a crater. MERSENIUS. With its extensive rill-system and interesting surroundings, one of the most notable ring-plains in the third quadrant.

The Hippalus rill-system is a very interesting one, and the greater part of it can, moreover, be easily traced in a good 4 inch achromatic. It originates in the rugged region E. of Campanus, from which five nearly parallel curved clefts extend up to the rocky barrier, connecting the N. side of this formation with the S.W. side of Hippalus.

The rill-system is far too complicated to be intelligibly described in words.

RAMSDEN. This ring-plain, 12 miles in diameter, derives its importance from the remarkable rill-system with which it is so closely associated. Its border, about 1800 feet on the W. above the outside surface, is slightly terraced within on the E., where there is an unrecorded bright crater on the slope. The two principal clefts on the S. originate among the hills E. of Capuanus.

Under some conditions of illumination the two principal light markings may be traced over the W. wall, and for some distance on the plain beyond. On the southern side of Archimedes is a very rugged mountain region, extending for more than 100 miles towards the south: on the W. of this originates a remarkable rill-system, best seen under evening illumination.

North of Guttemberg there is a curious oblong formation with low walls, connected with the N.E. border by a ridge, and with the N. border by a remarkable row of depressions, situated on a mound; and beyond this object on the E. are three parallel clefts running towards the N.E. On the W. will be found some of the clefts belonging to the Goclenius rill-system.

The keen-sighted and very imaginative Gruithuisen believed that in some instances they represent roads cut through interminable forests, and in others the dried-up beds of once mighty rivers. His description of the Triesnecker rill-system reads like a page from a geographical primer.