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Est-il question de flechir par vos soins et par vos attentions les rigueurs de quelque fiere Princesse'? You may safely trust me; for though I am a severe censor of vice and folly, I am a friend and advocate for pleasures, and will contribute all in my power to yours. There is a certain dignity to be kept up in pleasures, as well as in business.

"La mort a des rigueurs

Est-il question de flechir par vos soins et par vos attentions les rigueurs de quelque fiere Princesse'? You may safely trust me; for though I am a severe censor of vice and folly, I am a friend and advocate for pleasures, and will contribute all in my power to yours. There is a certain dignity to be kept up in pleasures, as well as in business.

Omissible here; the fixity of purpose being plain otherwise to Voltaire and us. "Je suis homme, il suffit, et ne pour la souffrance; Aux rigueurs du destin j'oppose ma constance. But with these sentiments, I am far from condemning Cato and Otho. "Croyez que si j'etais Voltaire, Et particulier comme lui, Me contentant du necessaire, Je verrais voltiger la fortune legere,"

There is something infinitely pathetic in the epitaph this much-loved and successful woman wrote for herself when she felt that the end was near: Ici git Arthenice, exempte des rigueurs Don't la rigueur du sort l'a touours poursuivie. Et si tu veux, passant, compter tous ses malheurs, Tu n'aura qu'a, compter les moments de sa vie. The spirit of unrest is there beneath the calm exterior.