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She touched the right skirt of her riding-coat. "They ain't makin' pockets in little girls' dresses this year," said Jane, "Come! Come!" "'They," repeated Gwendolyn. "Who are 'They'? I'd like to know; 'cause I could telephone 'em and " "Hush your nonsense!" bade Jane. Then, catching at the delicate square of linen in Gwendolyn's hand, "How'd you git ink smeared over your handkerchief?

We found her once more alone indeed, I believe her father wrought all day in the fields and she curtsied dutifully to the gentry-folk and the beautiful young lady in the riding-coat. "Is this all the welcome I am to get?" said I, holding out my hand. "And have you no more memory of old friends?" "Keep me! wha's this of it?" she cried, and then, "God's truth, it's the tautit laddie!"

They were a strangely matched pair, she from the gay salons of Paris, he from the misty mountains of the north; but mutual love had assorted them to admiration, for the heart of each was sound as a bell. Between bites I answered questions as to how she had looked, what she'd said, done, and so forth. "Was she wearing her brown riding-coat with the pretty wee shoulder capes?" he asked.

Mounting at his leisure, amid a shower of bullets which puffed up the white dust all around him, he rode onwards towards the dragoons and discharged one of his pistols at them. Wheeling round he politely raised his cap, and galloped back to us, none the worse for his adventure, though a ball had grazed his horse's fetlock and another had left a hole in the skirt of his riding-coat.

Mocket helped him on with his heavy bottle-green riding-coat. "Lewis," spoke the scamp, with a queer note of affection and deprecation, "why don't you see Dr. Gilmer? You're growing thin, and do you know, you're haunted-looking! Tell him you cannot sleep, and make him give you bark or something. I couldn't carry on business without you, you know." Rand looked at him with dark and sombre eyes.

I was resolved that the first words spoken in his presence should be words which expressed my intention to leave his service. He eyed me with one of his blackest looks, and thrust his hands savagely into the pockets of his riding-coat. "Why?" he said, "why, I should like to know?" "It is not for me, Sir Percival, to express an opinion on what has taken place in this house.

After half a dozen slopes surmounted in this way Helen's strength was spent and her breath was gone. She felt light-headed. She could not get enough air. Her feet felt like lead, and her riding-coat was a burden. A hundred times, hot and wet and throbbing, she was compelled to stop. Always she had been a splendid walker and climber.

The hour is here, the notes are sewn within the lining of our well-brushed riding-coat, the master key is in our itching palm! We'll lurk until midnight, then in the dark room we will unlock the drawer. If we are heard, softly as we step in the silence of the night if a watchman come the worse for the watchman! We carry pistols, and the butt of one against his forehead will do the work.

What a cursed fool she was not to have asked for a hundred! But what is this, sergeant, what is this? A small, brisk, pippin-faced fellow in a riding-coat and high boots had come clanking into the wool-house with much assurance and authority, with a great old-fashioned sword trailing behind him, and a riding-whip switching in his hand. 'Morning, sergeant! said he, in a loud, overbearing voice.

The speaker was a middle-aged, middle-statured man, with a quick intelligent eye, dressed in a single-breasted green riding-coat, striped toilinette waistcoat, and drab trousers, with a whip in his hand. "Thank you for nothing!" replied Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing him in return, upon which the speaker turned to the clerk and asked if there were any letters for Monsieur Apperley or Nimrod.