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The decomposition of the earthy and alkaline sulphates, and their transition to the state of sulphurets, may no doubt favour this disengagement in many littoral and marine plants; for instance, in the fuci: but I am rather inclined to think that the rhizophora, the avicennia, and the conocarpus, augment the insalubrity of the air by the animal matter which they contain conjointly with tannin.

The infusion in warm water had a brown colour and an astringent taste. It contained a mixture of extractive matter and tannin. The rhizophora, the mistletoe, the cornel-tree, in short, all the plants which belong to the natural families of the lorantheous and the caprifoliaceous plants, have the same properties.

From Comte de Paris Roads the southern Gaboon shore is called in charts Le Paletuvier, the Mangrove Bank; the rhizophora is the growth of shallow brackish water, and at the projections there are fringings of reefs and "diabolitos," dangerous to boats.

Rice and plaintain are in fact the staple food of the natives. Cotton and maize are also raised to a certain extent. There should in the future be an industry from the manufacture of tannin extracts from the bark of Coccolala, Rhizophora and the pods of various acacias, the latter of which are a great nuisance on account of their rapid growth.

Such are the Littorina scabra, on the trunks and branches of mangroves among islets in Trinity Bay; a Phasianella inhabiting the trunks and branches of Rhizophora at the Percy Isles; a Littorina on the leaves of Aigaeceras fragrans at Port Curtis, Auricula angulata, and rugulata on the trunks of mangroves at Port Essington, and Monodonta viridis on their roots at Night Island; a new and very beautiful Ostrea was found on the roots of mangroves among Low Islets in Trinity Bay.