United States or Mozambique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"No, sir, none," answered Peterby abstractedly, and leaning forward to administer a gentle pull to the flowered waistcoat. "This coat, sir, is very well, I think, and yet y-e-es, perhaps it might be a shade higher in the collar, and a thought tighter at the waist. Still, it is very well on the whole, and these flattened revers are an innovation that will be quite the vogue before the week is out.

They may not be under the age before things are over...." He was even prepared to plan uniforms. "A brassard," repeated Mr. Britling, "and perhaps coloured strips on the revers of a coat." "Colours for the counties," said Wilkins, "and if there isn't coloured cloth to be got there's red flannel. Anything is better than leaving the mass of people to mob about...."

Je dis nous, car Madame Austin etait pour moi une vraie et intime amie. Je l'ai connue dans mes joies et mes tristesses, dans mes succes et mes revers. Je l'ai trouvee toujours la meme, la meme elevation d'esprit, le meme coeur sympathique et devoue.

"It is made with a court train, trimmed with a deep flounce, waved in the lower edge, and this flounce is trimmed with four narrow flounces, edged with narrow point lace. The sides are en revers, with sashes tied in butterfly bow in the centre of the back, below the puffing of the skirt near the waist.

But out of respect for the royal blood, the Dauphin has credited a townsman with that which happened to the Lady of Cany. It is given under the title of "La Medaille a revers", in the collection of which it is one of the brightest jewels, and commences the hundred. But now for mine.

Mary cried at last. "See it can't you see it? in gray wool?" It was the pattern for a boy's topcoat, cunningly cut in new lines of seam and revers, with a pocket, a bit of braid, a line of buttons laid in as delicately as the factors in any other good composition. Mis' Winslow inevitably recognized its utility, exclaimed, and wondered. "Mary Chavah! How did you know how to do things for children?"

They are for ever asserting the strength of their own individuality. Je suis maître de moi comme de l'univers, Je le suis, je veux l'être, declares Auguste; and Médée, at the climax of her misfortunes, uses the same language 'Dans un si grand revers que vous reste-t-il? 'Moi! Moi, dis-je, et c'est assez!

But our Order is not so 'inclosed' that, if Duty calls, we cannot advance to its beckoning, and there are certain times when both I and those of my fraternity mingle with men in common, undistinguished from the ordinary inhabitants of cities either by dress, customs, or manners, as you see!" and he laughingly touched his overcoat, the dark rough cloth of which was relieved by a broad collar and revers of rich sealskin, "Would you not take me for a highly respectable brewer, par example, conscious that his prowess in the making of beer has entitled him, not only to an immediate seat in Parliament, but also to a Dukedom in prospective?"

The good woman felt of it carefully, and thought she observed in the skirts and revers thicknesses of paper. More thousand-franc bank-bills, no doubt! She also noticed that there were all sorts of things in the pockets. Not only the needles, thread, and scissors which she had seen, but a big pocket-book, a very large knife, and a suspicious circumstance several wigs of various colors.

With the last two was served a mild mixture of wine and water, known in school slang as "abundance." The outfit of clothing comprised underwear for two changes a week, a uniform consisting of a blue cloth coat, faced and trimmed with red, a waistcoat of the same with white revers, and serge breeches either blue or black.