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Florentia quoque post flagellam renovabitur et prosperabitur: Florence also, after the scourging, shall be purified and shall prosper." "That means we are to get Pisa again," said the shopkeeper. "And get the wool from England as we used to do, I should hope," said an elderly man, in an old-fashioned berretta, who had been silent till now.

"It is true," said several voices at once. "That means, the priests ought to lead better lives; there needs no miracle to prove that. That's what the Frate has always been saying," said the shoemaker. "Flagellabitur," Tito went on. "That is, it will be scourged. Renovabitur: it will be purified.

Praise Him who has spared you for this.” It was too much for the patient in his weak state; he could but shed happy tears. Another day he had sat up in bed. He looked at his hands, from which the skin was peeling; he felt his lips, and it was with them the same; and his hair seemed coming off also. He smiled and said, “Renovabitur, ut aquila, juventus mea.”

The work of the poet then is "to elicit the simplest principles of life, to clear away complexity, by giving a glowing and flashing motive to live nobly and generously, to renew the unspoiled growth of the world, to reveal the secret hope silently hidden in the heart of man." Renovabitur ut aquila juventus tua thy youth shall be renewed as an eagle that is what we all desire!