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I'm kind o' scairt for fear I'll sp'ile suthin' er other. Sometimes I feel as if I'd like to crawl under the grand pyano an' git out o' danger. Now look at old gran'pa Smead in his gold frame on the wall. He's got me buffaloed. Watches every move I make. Betsey laughs an' tells me I can sp'ile anything I want to, but gran'pa is ever remindin' me o' the ancient law o' the Smeads an' the Persians."

He said the doctor had a daughter, an' she was all right; but he didn't like her at all at first, 'cause her voice kept remindin' him of somebody he didn't want to be reminded of." "Did he really write THAT?" "Them's the identifyin' words," avowed Susan. "So you'll jest have to keep it secret who you be, you see," she warned her. "Yes, I see," murmured the girl.

The gathering gloom, the recollection of the tragedy, the association of ideas, bore too heavily on her nerves. She struck petulantly at his astounded face. "Why air ye always remindin' me?" she exclaimed, with a sharp upbraiding note.

"What the deuce did you say anything to him for, Beetle?" said McTurk angrily, as they strolled towards the big, open sea-baths. "'Twasn't fair remindin' one of bein' a water-funk. My first term, too. Heaps of chaps are when they can't swim." "Yes, you ass; but he saw he'd fetched you. You ought never to answer King." "But it wasn't fair, Stalky." "My Hat!

By the time our outfit got into them trenches the boys was just clean dippy about him. They kind of took turns dry-nursin' him and remindin' him of the things he'd got to do, and doin' them for him when they could put it over. I'll tell you this it's my private suspicion that more than one chap went west tryin' to keep the bullets offen him!

Believe that what He said was true, an' get your mind full of what He said, an' keep it full, remindin' yourself over an' over again for fear you forget it or other things'll put it out of your mind, an' you'll be happier while you're in jail, an' you won't get back here again, nor in any other jail, after you've been let out.

I presume," he added, with the air of one suggesting a happy explanation, "I presume no one has ah been sufficiently interested. It would have been peculiar if they had been, of course." "Hum!... Well, I hope you won't think I am impudent for remindin' you to look out." "Oh, no, indeed. It is very nice of you to take the trouble. I like it, really I do."

She didn't throw the reins down on her pony's neck, an' she didn't pull in on the bit; she just played it in his mouth to keep remindin' him that this was his busy day, an' that he'd better tend to his knittin'. Old Starlight knew every move I made, an' he was resigned to a good long pump of it. I nonsensed a while, tryin' to get her to laugh an' cut up, but not her.

"If I didn't say as much to Brooker," responds Captain Bingo, "I shut him up like a box by referrin' politely to glass houses, knowin' Brooker had been squiffy himself one night on guard, and by remindin' him that men who talk scandal of their superior officers under circumstances like the present are liable to be Court-Martialled and given beans.

With my mind in the heroic state it was then, I couldn't curb it down onto Ashes of Moses, or roses, or any thing else peacible. I felt that this color, remindin' me of two grand heroes, Bismark, John Brown, suited me to a T. There wus two wimmen who stood ready to make it, Jane Bently and Martha Snyder. I chose Martha because Martha wus the name of the wife of Washington.