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And proceed to arrange for executing it, though with outlook more and more desperate, as their scouts report that every pass and post on the Red Water is beset by Reichsfolk. "Wunsch, with the Cavalry, he at least may thread his way out, under cloud of night, by the opposite or Daun side," calculates Finck.

Of all this Finck, at once, sent word to Friedrich. Who probably enough received the message; but who would get no new knowledge from it, vigilant Ziethen having, by Austrian deserters and otherwise, discovered this of the Reichsfolk; and furthermore that Sincere with 3,000 was in motion, from the north, upon Finck.

And at Landshut, which is the main Pass into Bohemia or from it, and is the grand observatory-point at present, he will have to remain till the first days of July; almost three months. Watching, and waiting on the tedious Daun, who has the lifting of the curtain this Year! Well; the poor Reichsfolk, or our poor Auxiliaries to them, will have empty haversacks: but it is not Prag!" thinks Daun.

He left at that time, for Meissen Country, and the Hill Cantonments, organized there his little Expedition into Voigtland, for behoof of the Reichsfolk; and did not return. Continued, mostly in Meissen Country, as the fittest for his many businesses, Army-regulatings and other. "MEISSEN, 20th March, 1761.

Upon which Prince Henri detaches a General Knobloch thitherward, Duke Ferdinand contributing 4,000 to meet him there; which combined expedition, after some sharp knocking and shoving, entirely disrooted the Austrians and Reichsfolk, and sent them packing. This was BREAKAGE FIRST of the Grand Cordon; an explosive hurling of it back out of those Erfurt parts.

Next morning, Thursday, 15th, Finck gets on march; drives the Reichsfolk out of Freyberg; reaches Dippoldiswalde: "Freyberg is to be my Magazine," considers Finck; "Dippoldiswalde my half-way house; Four Battalions of my poor Eighteen shall stand there, and secure the meal-carts."

Her, and her miscellaneous tagraggery of Confederates, one and all. Konigsberg, Stralsund, Bamberg; Russians, Swedes, Reichsfolk, here, in Mahren, will be the crown of the game for all these. Prosper in Mahren, all these are lamed; one right stroke at the heart, the limbs become manageable quantities!

Daun built three Bridges, he had a broad stone one already, but did little or nothing with them; and never himself came across at all. Merely shot out nocturnal Pandour Parties, and ordered up Lacy and the Reichsfolk to do the like, and break the night's rest of his Enemy.

That same evening, Saturday, Lacy took the road, with extraordinary velocity, towards Torgau Country, where the Reichsfolk, in Hulsen's absence, are supreme; and, the second evening after, was got 60 miles thitherward. His joint dominion had been of Two days. On the morning of Sunday, 12th, went Tottleben, who had businesses, settlements of ransom and the like, before marching.

Next are the Reichsfolk; scattered over Thuringen and the Franconian Countries; fronting partly into Hessen and Duke Ferdinand's outskirts: the main body of Duke Ferdinand is far to westward, in Munster Country, vigilant upon Contades, with the Rhine between.