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Even the doctor, who had been sent for from the next town, could not account for the state of stupor in which he found him. Two days of painful suspense passed; and then, contrary to the expectation of all, Mr Redfern opened his eyes and spoke. For a few days he seemed to revive so rapidly that the doctor had hopes of his entire recovery. It would be a work of time, he said.

If I had known that the book-man was coming here I might have waited and let you choose it for yourself. We might have changed it now, but see, I have written your name in it." She turned to the fly-leaf, and read "Christina Redfern," with the date, in Effie's pretty handwriting. She gave a sigh of pleasure as she turned it over. "No, I don't believe there is a nicer one there.

Carlton raised his rifle and fired, and slinging their scalps on his arm he hastened towards the humble log hut where resided his affianced bride, Annie Ridgway, sometimes known as the Flower of the Bush. The moon was low on the horizon, and Sam Redfern was seated at a drinking bout with some of his boon companions.

Johns Hopkins University Studies, Vol. VI. History of Cooperation in the United States. 540 p. Baltimore, 1888. Nicholson, Isa. Our Story. 80 p. Manchester, 1918. Powell, G. Harold. Cooperation in Agriculture. 327 p. New York, Macmillan Company, 1913. Redfern, Percy. The Story of the Cooperative Wholesale Society. 439 p. Manchester, 1913. Redfern, Percy. The Consumer's Place in Society. 107 p.

We became real farmers, up with the sun and to bed with the same. Andrew wore overalls and a soft shirt and grew brown and tough. My hands got red and blue with soapsuds and frost; I never saw a Redfern advertisement from one year's end to another, and my kitchen was a battlefield where I set my teeth and learned to love hard work.

They had rifled the cellars of the hut, and the rich wines flowed like water in the golden goblets of Mr Ridgway. But Annie had made friends with one of the gang, a noble, good-hearted man who had joined Sam Redfern by mistake, and she had told him to go and get the police as quickly as possible. 'Ha! ha! cried Redfern, 'now I am enjoying myself! He little knew that his doom was near upon him.

The harvest was quite over, and the assistance of the girls was no longer necessary out-of-doors, when one day Mr Redfern went alone to bring home the last load of turnips from a distant field; and when his children saw his face again it was like the face of the dead. Whether he had been thrown from the cart he had been driving, or whether he had fallen in some sort of fit, they could not tell.

Married to Redfern Mason, the musical critic, 1902. Lives at Carmel, Cal. *His Job. Adolescence. #Mears, Mary M.# Born at Oshkosh, Wis. Educated at State Normal School, Wis. Unmarried. Journalist since 1896. Lives in New York City. Forbidden Thing. *Uncle Sam of Freedom Ridge. #Murray, Roy Irving.# Born at Brooklyn, Wis., July 25, 1882. Graduated from Hobart College, 1904.

A little after daybreak he seemed to rouse himself for a moment; but he soon slumbered again. By and by their neighbours, who had heard from the messenger sent for the doctor that Mr Redfern was worse, came dropping in. They looked in for a moment upon the group of girls gathered round their father's bed, and then, for the most part, seated themselves in the outer room with Aunt Elsie.

The shop in question is near the East Gate, but is hardly to be found without careful search, being denoted only by the name of "REDFERN," painted not very conspicuously in the top-light of the door.