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This class ZaN is subdivided into lower classes, and the lower class Salmon is called A, which means the red-fleshed kind of squameous river fish, and so a salmon is a ZaNA. If you wished to state the fact that a salmon swims, you would use the words ZaNA GoF, for Go stands for the great category of motion, F for the particular kind of motion meant, swimming.

There are very large red-fleshed trout in the lake, and a small very delicious fish called agoni, caught in multitudes by fine silk nets, to which bells are attached on floats, that keep up a constant tinkling to let the fishermen know where to find their nets when floated away by the wind.

So Sebago Lake, near Portland, some fifty years ago, boasted of a delicious red-fleshed trout, of large size, which has in these latter times, from netting or some other improper fishing, nearly or quite disappeared from those waters, leaving upon the palates of old anglers the remembrance of a flavor higher and richer than anything now remaining.

The inference is most consecutive, that wherever you catch a red-fleshed trout, love lies bleeding under the water: an occult quality, which can only act in the stationary waters of a lake, being neutralised by the rapid transition of those of a stream." "And why is the trout shyer for that?" asked Sir Ralph. "Do you not see?" said brother Michael.

He scowled more deeply than before. "I'm sorry you feel that way. But if that's it " "And on the way," said Babs. "When they're not watching, you might kiss me." They had a considerable pile of the red-fleshed fruits ready when the ground had cooled enough for them to reach the landing-sling. Once aboard the ship, Cochrane headed for the control-room, with Jamison and Bell tagging after him.

Frank Forester says, in his Fish and Fishing, page 371, that he has never fished for the red-fleshed trout of Hamilton county, "being deterred therefrom by dread of that curse of the summer angler, the black fly, which is to me especially venomous."

The flesh was a deep salmon-color and very rich. We had before discovered that there were two varieties of trout in these waters, irrespective of size, the red-fleshed and the white-fleshed, and that the former were the better. This success gave an impetus to our sport that carried us through the rest of the week finely.